Beberapa Terminologi
Kata ini sering digunakan dalam Acess jadi anda harus pelajari agar anda menjadi tidak asing dengan kata ini.
* Database adalah kumpulan informasi yang saling berkaitan
* object adalah sesuatu yang ada dalam database seperti tabel, query, form atau macro
* Table pengelompokan dari hubungan data yang berhubungan dalam field dan arsip pada datasheet. Dengan menggunakan field umum dalam 2 tabel, data bisa dikombinasikan. Banyak tabel bisa disimpan dalam database tunggal.
* Field adalah kolom dalam dataseheet dan artinya data hasil ketikan yang disimpan dalam bentuk tabel. . Untuk tabel mailing list table juga termasuk fileld untuk nama awal, nama akhir, alamat, kota, negara, kode pos dan nomor telepon
* Record dalam baris dalam dan nilainya didefinisikan oleh field. dalam tabel mailing list, masing masing arsip akan berisi data untuk satu orang yang diatur oleh pembagian field.
* Design View tool yang disediakan untuk membuat fields dalam tabel.
* Datasheet View Mengijinkan anda untuk mengupdate, mengedit dan menghapus informasi dalam tabel..
Setelah membuka Access, anda akan ditunjukkan dengan jendela seperti dibawah. Pilih salah satu pilihan dari dua pilihan, pilih new database untuk memilih database baru, atau pilihan yang ketiga jika anda ingin mengedit database yang ada. Semua pilihan akan dijelaskan dibawah.
Database Access Kosong
1. Tidak seperti Word documents, Excel worksheets, dan Power Point presentations, anda harus menyimpan Access database sebelum anda memulai bekerja. Setelah memilih “Blank Access database”, akan muncul prompt dimana lokasi dan nama file untuk menyimpan database.
2. Cari folder dimana database harus berada dalam Save in menu panah kebawah.
3. Ketik nama database dalam baris File name dan klik tombol Create
Access database wizards, pages, dan projects
Access’ wizards dan layout berada dalam struktur database yang hanya merupakan data input. Pilih database type dan klik OK. Nama database pada monitor selanjutnya.
Membuka database yang telah ada.
Jika database telah terbuka pada komputer anda, akan ada daftar dalam menu utama. Sorot nama database dan klik OK. Cara lainnya adalah dengan menyorot, “More Files…” pada daftar dan klik OK. Dari jendela berikutnya, klik “Look In:” menu panah kebawah untuk mencari folder dimana tempat database, sorot nama database pada daftar dan klik OK.
Mengkonvert ke Access 2003
Sebelum membuka file yang telah dibuat dalam versi Access sebelumnya, file harus dikonvert dulu ke Access 2003 format. Cara mengkonvert ikuti langkah dibawah :
1. Buka Access dan pilih Tools|Database Utilities|Convert Database|To Current Access Database Version dari menu bar.
2. Pilih database yang akan dikonvert dan klik tombol Convert
3. Versi terbaru akan akan tampil terpisah dan versi lama akan tetap dengan nama lain.
Creating Tables
Next tutorial
Memperkenalkan Tabel
Tabel adalah tempat menyimpan informasi dalam database sama seperti Excel kertas kerja menyimpan informasi dalam buku kerja. Access menyediakan tiga cara untuk membuat tabel yang mana ada icon dalam Database Window. Klik ganda pada icon untuk membuat tabel.
* Create table in Design view akan mengijinkan anda untuk membuat field tabel. Ini adalah cara umum untuk membuat tabel dan penjelasannya ada dibawah.
* Create table using wizard langkah anda dalam membuat tabel.
* Create table by entering data akan memberi anda datasheet kosong tanpa kolom label yang kelihatan seperti. Excel worksheet. Masukkan data pada sel dan klik tombol Save. Anda akan dihadapkan dengan pilihan untuk memasukkan primary key field. Setelah tabel disimpan, sel kosong datasheet akan dihias. Field diberi nama umum seperti “Field1″, “Field2″, dll. Untuk menggantinya dengan julul lain, Pilih Format|Rename Column dari menu bar atau sorot kolom, klik kanan didalamnya, dan pilih Rename Column dari shortcut menu.
Membuat Tabel dalam Design View
Design View akan mengijinkan anda untuk mengambarkan field dalam tabel sebelum memasukkan data dalam datasheet. Jendela akan dibagi dalam dua bagian. Bagian atas untuk memasuki nama field, tipe data, dan deskripsi option dari field, dan bagian panel bawah untuk spesifikasi field properties.
* Field Name – Ini nama dari field dan harus ada berisi field seperti “Name”, “Address”, “Final Grade”, dll. Nama tidak boleh lebih dari 64 karakter panjangnya tapi boleh memasukkan space.
* Data Type tipe value yang akan dimasukkan ke fields
o Text – Default teks, ketikan teks akan mengijinkan kombinasi antara huruf dengan angka dan maksimal 255 karakter per arsip field.
o Memo – Ketikan teks menyimpan sampai 64,000 karakter.
o Number – Berapa karakterpun bisa dimasukkan
o Date/Time – Tanggal jam atau kombinasi keduanya. .
o Currency – Mata uang bisa diset, secara otomatis menggunakan dollar. ($)
o AutoNumber – Ketika arsip baru dibuat, Access akan otomatis memberi suatu bilangan bulat unik ke arsip dalam field. Dari Pilihan utama, pilih kenaikan jika angka yang diberikan dalam urutan acak jika harus dipilih. Sejak semua arsip dalam datasheet harus dimasukkan sekurang kurangnya satu ciri dari semua, ini berguna mengetik data untuk digunakan jika data yang telah ada tidak akan diisi oleh values.
o Yes/No – Gunakan ini untuk True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, atau values lain yang hanya satu pilihan dari dua .
o OLE Object – OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object adalah suara, gambar, atau objek lain seperti Word document atau Excel spreadsheet yang dibuat dalam program lain. Gunakan data ini untuk menempel pada objek OLE atau link ke objek dalam database.
o Hyperlink – Suatu hyperlink akan menghubungkan ke lokasi internet atau intranet, atau lokasi lain dalam databse. Data terbagi dalam empat bagian masing masing dipisahkan dengan tanda (#): DisplayText#Address#SubAddress#ScreenTip. Alamat adalah bagian yang hanya dibutuhkan dalam string. Contoh :
Internet hyperlink example:
Tutorial Page#
Database link example:
#c:\My Documents\database.mdb#MyTable
* Description (optional) – Masukkan uraian singkat dari isi field.
* Field Properties – Pilih properties untuk field dari panel bawah
Field Properties
Properties untuk masing-masing field yang diset dari panel bawah dari Design View window.
* Field Size digunakan untuk mengeset jumlah karakter yang dibutuhkan dalam teks atau nomor field. Default field ukuran untuk teks adalah 50 karakter. Jika arsip dalam field hanya memiliki dua atau tiga karakter, anda bisa mengubah ukuran field untuk menghemat ruang disk atau or mencegah masukkan error dengan batas dari angka karakter yang diijinkan. Demikian juga, jika field membutuhkan lebih dari 50 karakter, masukkan angka lebih dari 255. Ukuran field diset dalam karakter angka untuk teks ketikan, tapi pilihan diberikan untuk jumlah :
o Byte – Positive integers antara 1 dan 255
o Integer – Positive dan negative integers antara -32,768 dan 32,768
o Long Integer (default) – Larger positive and negative integers between -2 billion and 2 billion.
o Single – Single-precision floating-point number
o Double – Double-precision floating-point number
o Decimal – Allows for Precision and Scale property control
* Format menyesuaikan data dalam filed untuk format sama ketika dimasukkan ke dalam datasheet. Untuk teks dan memo fields, ini memiliki dua bagian yang dipisahkan dengan titik koma. Bagian pertama property digunakan untuk digunakan dalam field dan yang kedua untuk field kosong.Teks dan format memo .
Text Format
Datasheet Entry
@ indicates a required
character or space
& indicates an optional
character or space
< HELLO hello < converts characters to lowercase >
> converts characters to uppercase
\ adds characters to the end
@;”No Data Entered”
@;”No Data Entered”
No Data Entered
* Number format. Pilih satu dari pilihan dari menu kebawah atau penggunaan simbol seperti dijelaskan dibawah.
Number Format
Datasheet Entry
0 is a placeholder that displays a digit or 0 if there is none.
# is a placeholder that displays a digit or nothing if there is none.
% multiplies the number by 100 and added a percent sign
* Currency format. Format ini terbagi dalam empat bagian yang dipisahkan dengan titik koma.
format untuk nilai positif; format untuk nilai negatif; format untuk nilai nol ; format untuk nilai kosong.
Currency Format
Positive values will be normal currency format, negative numbers will be red in parentheses, zero is entered for zero values, and “none” will be written for Null values.
* Date format. Dalam tabel dibawah, nilai “1/1/01″ dimasukkan dalam datasheet, dan angka yang mengikuti ditampilkan sebagai hasil dari perbedaan format
Date Format
dddd”,”mmmm d”,”yyyy
Monday, January 1, 2001
dddd, mmmm, and yyyy print the full day name, month name, and year
ddd”,”mmm ”. ” d”, ’”yy
Mon, Jan. 1, ‘01
ddd, mmm, and yy print the first three day letters, first three month letters, and last two year digits
“Today is ” dddd
Today is Monday
h:n:s: AM/PM
12:00:00 AM
“n” is used for minutes to
avoid confusion with months
* Yes/No fields ditampilkan dengan memberi ceklist pada kotak default dalam datasheet. Untuk mengubah format dari field, pertama klik Lookup tab dan ubah tampilan kontrol ke kotak teks. Kembali kepada aneka pilihan format yang umum untuk membuat memformat perubahan. Pengaturan ditunjuk tiga bagian yang dipisahkan oleh titik koma. Bagian yang pertama tidak berisi segalanya kecuali titik koma harus dimasukkan. Bagian yang kedua menetapkan pengaturan untuk Ya menilai dan yang ketiga untuk Tidak
Yes/No Format
Prints “Yes” in green or “No” in red
* Default Value – Mungkin ada kasus dimana nilai field akan sama untuk semua arsip. Dalam kasus ini, suatu nilai default bisa diubah untuk mencegah pengetikan sesuatu yang sama. Set Default Value property.
Kunci Utama
Setiap arsip dalam tabel harus memiliki kunci utama yang membedakan dengan arsip lain dalam tabel. Dalam beberapa kasus, hanya perlu untuk menjadikan field yang ada sebagai kunci utama jika dalam setiap arsip dalam tabel akan memiliki nilai yang berbeda untuk field tertentu.
Kunci utama field dengan mengklik kanan pada arsip dan memilih Primary Key dari shorcut menu atau pilih Edit|Primary Key dari menu bar. Kunci utama field akan ditulis dengan kunci gambar ke kiri. Untuk menghilangkan kunci utama, ulangi langkah ini sekali lagi.
Dengan membuat indek akan mengijinkan Access untuk menyortir arsip dengan cepat. Untuk menset indek field, pilih field yang biasanya dicari dan berubah dengan Yes (Duplicates OK) jika berbagai masukkan data yang sama di ijinkan atau Yes (No Duplicates) untuk mencegah duplikasi.
Aturan Pengesahan Field.
Pengesahan aturan spesifik dibutuhkan (merubah kata ) untuk data yang dimasukkan ke dalam worksheet. Suatu pesan bisa ditampilkan ke user ketika data itu sesuai dengan aturan setting. Klik ekspresi tombol (”…“) diakhir kotak Validation Rule untuk menulis pengesahan aturan. Contoh pengesahan aturan dimasukkan <> 0 tidak diikuti nilai nol dalam arsip, dan ??? hanya semua dat tiga karakter panjangnya.
Menyembunyikan(Mask) Masukkan
Menyembunyikan masukkan kontrol nilai dari arsip dan mengeset dalam spesifik format. Mereka adalah format yang serupa untuk Format property, tetapi sebagai gantinya tampilan format dalam datasheet sebelum data dimasukkan. Untuk contoh, nomor telephone field bisa diformat dengan memasukkan mask untuk sepuluh digit secara otomatis”(999) 888-7777″. Field kosong akan seperti (___) ___-____. Memasukkan mask ke field ikuti langkah berikut
1. Pada design view, tempatkan kursor dalam field masukkan mask untuk mengaplikasikannya. Klik dalam ruang putih ikuti Input Mask dibawah General tab.
2. Klik tombol “…” untuk menggunakan wizard atau masukkan mask, (@@@) @@@-@@@@, pada field yang disediakan. Ikuti simbol yang isa digunakan untuk membuat masukan mask dari awal.
Input Mask Symbols
Letter or digit
A digit 0 through 9 without a + or – sign and with blanks displayed as zeros
Same as 0 with blanks displayed as spaces
Same as 9 with +/- signs
Letter A through Z
C or &
Character or space
< Convert letters to lower case >
Convert letters to upper case
Datasheet Records
Memasukkan Records(Arsip)
Untuk memasukkan arsip baru ke tabel dalam tampilan datasheet dengan mengetik dalam arsip disamping tanda asterisk (*) yang bertanda itu arsip baru. Anda bisa juga mengklik tombol arsip baru pada bawah datasheet untuk menskip ke akhir arsip kosong.
Mengedit Records
Untuk mengedit arsip, mudah saja tempatkan kursor dalam arsip yang akan diedit dan buat perubahan yang penting. Gunakan panah untuk memindahkan arsip. Sebelumnya, selanjutnya, pertama, dan akhir tombol arsip pada bawah datasheet membantu dalam manuver datasheet..
Menghapus Records
Menghapus arsip pada dataseheet dengan menempatkan kursor dalam baris dan pilih Edit|Delete Record dari menu bar atau klik tombol Delete Record pada datasheet toolbar.
Memasukkan dan Menghapus Kolom
Walaupun yang terbaik adalah membuat field baru (tampilan kolom dalam datasheet) pada design view karena banyak pilihan disediakan, mereka bisa juga dengan cepat memasukkannya dalam datasheet view. Sorot kolom yang merupakan kolom baru yang ditampilkan ke sebelah kiri dengan mengklik label di atas datasheet dan pilih Insert|Column dari menu bar.
Memasukkan kolom bisa juga dengan menghapus dengan menempatkan kursor dalam kolom dan memilih Edit|Delete Column dari menu bar.
Mengubah ukuran Baris dan Kolom
Tinggi baris dalam datasheet bisa diubah dengan mendrag garis abu antara label baris diatas dan bawah dengan mouse. Dengan mengubah tinggi satu baris, tinggi semua baris dalam datasheet akan berubah menjadi value yang baru.
Lebar kolom bisa diubah dalam beberapa cara dengan mendrag ukuran baris antara kolom. Klik ganda pada baris untuk mendapatkan kolom otomatis cocok untuk value yang panjang dari kolom. Tidak seperti baris, kolom pada datasheet bisa berbeda lebarnya. Ukuran nya bisa diubah dengan memilih Format|Row Height atau Format|Column Width dari menu bar.
Freezing Columns
Sama seperti dalam Excel, Kolom pada tabel Access table bisa dibekukan (Freezing). Ini membantu jika datasheet memiliki banyak kolom dan data relevan akan tidak tampak dilayar pada saat bersamaan. Freeze kolom dengan cara menempatkan kursor pada suatu arsip dalam kolom lalu pilih Format|Freeze Columns dari menu bar. Pilih option yang sama untuk menghilangkan freeze kolom atau pilih Format|Unfreeze All Columns.
Menyembunyikan Kolom
Kolom bisa juga disembunyikan dari tampilan dalam datasheet walaupun mereka tidak akan dihapus dalam database. Untuk menyembunyikan kolom, tempatkan kursor pada sembarang arsip dalam kolom atau sorot beberapa kolom yang bersebelahan dengan mengklik dan mendrag mouse sepanjang kolom header, dan pilih Format|Hide Columns dari menu bar
Untuk menampilkan kolom yang disembunyikan, pilih Format|Unhide Columns dari menu bar. Jendela akan menampilkan semua field dalam tabel daftar dengan daftar kotak disamping masing-masing nama field. Ceklist kotak disaming semua field yang ingin ditampilkan pada tabel data dan klik tombol Close.
Mencari Data dalam tabel
Data dalam datasheet bisa dengan cepat ditemukan lokasinya dengan menggunakan perintah Find
1. Buka tabel dalam tampilan datasheet.
2. Tempatkan kursor dalam suatu arsip dalam field yang ingin dicari dan pilih Edit|Find… dari menu bar
3. Masukkan nilai kriteria value dalam kotak Find What: .
4. Dari Look In: menu panah kebawah, gambarkan area pencarian dengan memilih keseluruh tabel atau hanya field dalam tabel yang tempat anda meletakkan kursor dalam langkah ke 2.
5. Pilih kriteria yang sesuai dari Match: dan klik tombol >> untuk menambahkan parameter pencarian.
6. Ketika semua kriteria pencarian diset, klik tombol Find Next. Jika lebih dari satu arsip menemukan kriteria, terus klik Find Next sampai anda mencapai arsip yang benar.
Fungsi Replace mengijinkan anda untuk secara cepat mengganti data tunggal denan value baru atau mengganti semua kejadian dalam tabel
1. Pilih Edit|Replace… dari menu bar (atau klik Replace tab jika menemukan jendela telah terbuka.).
2. Ikuti langkah prosedur pencarian data untuk mengganti dan mengetik nilai baru dari data dalam kotak Replace With:.
3. Klik tombol Find Next dan tombol Replace untuk membuat pergantian tunggal. Klik Replace All untuk mengganti semua data dalam satu langkah.
Print a Datasheet
Datasheets bisa dicetak dengan mengklik tombol Print pada toolbar atau pilih File|Print untuk mengeset pilihan mencetak.
Table Relationships
Next tutorial
Hubungan Tabel
Untuk mencegah duplikasi informasi dalam database dengan pengulangan fields dalam satu tabel, hubungan dapat dibentuk untuk link field tabel secara bersama. Ikuti langkah dibawah untuk membuat hubungan database.
1. Klik tombol Relationships pada toolbar. [relationship button]
2. Dari jendela Show Table (klik tombol Show Table pada toolbar untuk membuat tampilan ), Klik ganda pada nama tabel yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam hubungan. Ketika anda selesai memasukkan tabel, klik Close.
3. Untuk link field dalam dua tabel yang berbeda, klik dan drag field dari satu tabel ke field yang sesuai dalam tabel yang lain dan lepaskan tombol mouse. Edit Relationships window akan muncul. Dari window ini, pilih field yang berbeda jika perlu dan pilih option dari Enforce Referential Integrity jika perlu. Pilihan ini memberikan Access izin untuk secara otomatis membuat perubahan tabel petunjuk jika kunci arsip dalam satu tabel yang dihapus. Ceklist kotak Enforce Referential Integrity untuk memastikan hubungan bisa dilakukan dan data bukan secara kebetulan dihapus ketika data dimasukkan, diedit atau dihapus. Klik Create untuk membuat link.
4. Baris sekarang menghubungkan dua field dalam hubungan relationships window.
5. Datasheet suatu hubungan tabel akan menyediakan perluasan dan tanda penghapusan untuk melihat isi subdatasheets informasi yang sesuai dari tabel lain. Pada contoh dibawah, database alamat pelajar, dan database nilai pelajar yang berhubungan dan keduanya ditampilkan secara serempak dengan menggunakan fitur perluasan. Untuk memperluas atau menghilangkan semua subdatasheets sekaligus, pilih Format|Subdatasheet|Expand All atau Collapse All dari menu toolbar.
Sorting and Filtering
Penyortiran dan penyaringan akan mengijinkan anda untuk melihat arsip dalam tabel dalam cara yang berbeda. Dan anda akan melihat arsip dalam tabel itu dengan berbagai jenis kriteria dan spesifikasi. .
[sort buttons]Sorting
Anda boleh melihat arsip dalam tabel dalam perintah berbeda dari yang mereka tampilkan seperti menyortir dalam tanggal atau memberi perintah secara alphabet, untuk contoh. Ikuti langkah untuk menyortir arsip dalam tabel dengan menggunakan angka pada satu field.
1. Pada tabel view, tempatkan kursor dalam kolom yang ingin di sortir.
2. Pilih Records|Sort|Sort Ascending atau Records|Sort|Sort Descending dari menu bar atau klik Sort Ascending atau tombol Sort Descending pada toolbar.
Untuk menyortir lebih dari satu kolom (seperti menyortir dalam tanggal dan lalu menyortir arsip dengan tanggal yang sama dalam alphabet), sorot kolom dengan mengklik dan mendrag mouse melewati label field dan pilih satu dari metode diatas.
[Filter by Selection button]Filter by Selection (Menyaring dengan Memilih)
Fitur ini akan menyaring arsip yang berisi data identik bernilai pada field seperti menyaring semua arsip yang berhubungan dengan “Smith” dalam field. Untuk memfilter dengan memilih, tempatkan kursor dalam filed yang ingin disaring dalam arsip dan klik tombol Filter by Selection dalam toolbar atau pilih Records|Filter|Filter By Selection dari menu bar. Seperti dalam contoh dibawah, kursor ditempatkan dalam City field pada arsip kedua yang berbubungan dengan “Ft. Myers” lau penyaringan tabel akan menunjukkan hanya arsip dimana city dari Ft. Myers.
[Filter by Form button]Filter by Form
Jika tabel sangat luas, sangat sulit untuk mencari arsip yang berisi hubungan yang ingin disaring, dengan menggunakan Filter by Form akan sangat menguntungkan. Metode ini membuat versi kosong dari tabel dengan menu panah kebawah untuk masing-masing field berisi hubungan nilai yang ditemukan dalam arsip pada field. Dibawah default Look for tab dalam jendela Filter by Form, klik dalam field untuk masuk ke kriteria filter. Untuk menetapkan suatu kriteria jika arsip berisi satu dari dua nilai spesifik, klik Or tab pada bawah jendela dan pilih kriteria lain dari menu panah bawah. Lebih Or tabs akan muncul setelah satu kriteria diset untuk mengijinkan anda untuk memasukkan lebih kriteria dengan filter. Setelah anda memilih semua kriteria yang diinginkan untuk disaring, klik tombol Apply Filter [Apply Filter button]pada toolbar.
Metode berikut dapat digunakan untuk memilih arsip berdasar arsip yang dipilih dengan tidak memiliki nilai yang sama persis. Ketikan format ini ke dalam field dimana menu panah kebawah akan tampil sebagai pengganti pemilihan nilai absolut.
Filter by Form
Like “*Street”
Pilih semua arsip yang diakhiri dengan “Street”
<=”G” Pilih Semua arsip yang dimulai dengan huruf A sampai G >1/1/00
Pilih Semua tanggal sejak 1/1/00
<> 0
Pilih semua arsip yang tidak sama dengan nol
Menyimpan Filter
Isi dari dari saringan tabel bisa disimpan dengan memilih File|Save As Query dari menu bar. Masukkan nama dari query dan klik OK. Query sekarang disimpan dalam databas
[Remove a Filter button]Menghapus Filter
Untuk melihat semua arsip pada tabel lagi, klik Apply Filter pada toolbar
Next tutorial
Pengenalan Queries
Query memilih arsip dari satu atau lebih tabel dalam database sehingga mereka dapat dilihat, dianalisis disortir pada datasheet umum. Hasil kumpulan arsip, disebut dynaset (short for dynamic subset), disimpan dalam objek database dan bisa bisa dipakai lagi dimasa datang. Query akan diperbaharui kapan saja ketika tabel aslinya diperbaharui.
Membuat Query dalam Design View
Ikuti langkah dibawah untuk membuat new query dalam Design View:
1. Dari halaman Query pada Database Window, klik tombol New.
2. Pilih Design View dan klik OK.
3. Pilih tabel dan queries yang ada dari Tables danQueries tabs and klik tombol Add tambahkan ke masing-masing query yang baru.
4. Klik Close ketika semua tabel dan quearies telah dipilih.
5. Masukkan fields dari tabel ke query yang baru dengan mengklik ganda pada field dalam kotak tabel atau pilih field dari Field: danTable: menu panah bawah pada form query.
6. Masukkan kriteria untuk query dalam Criteria: field. Diikuti tabel yang disediakan, contoh untuk beberapa wildcard symbols dan arithmetic operators akan sangat berguna. Expression Builder [Expression Builder button]juga bisa diugnakan untuk membantu dalam menulis ungkapan itu.
Query Wildcards and Expression Operators
Wildcard / Operator
? Street
The question mark is a wildcard that takes the place of a single letter.
43th *
The asterisk is the wildcard that represents a number of characters.
<100 Value less than 100 >=1
Value greater than or equal to 1
Not equal to (all states besides Florida)
Between 1 and 10
Numbers between 1 and 10
Is Null
Is Not Null
Finds records with no value
or all records that have a value
Like “a*”
All words beginning with “a”
>0 And <=10 All numbers greater than 0 and less than 10 “Bob” Or “Jane” Values are Bob or Jane 1. 2. Setelah anda memilih semua field dan tabel, klik tombol Run pada toolbar. 3. Simpan query dengan mengklik tombol Save. Query Wizard Access’ Query Wizard Akan memudahkan membantu anda untuk memulai membuat pilihan query. 1. Klik icon Create query by using wizard pada database window untuk mendapat Access untuk membuat query 2. Dari jendela utama, pilih field yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam query dengan pertama-tama memilih tabel dari menu tombol bawah menu Tables/Queries. Pilih field dengan mengklik tombol > untuk memindahkan field dari field yang tersedia pada daftar. Klik ganda tombol panah >> untuk memindahkan semua field ke Selected Fields. Pilih tabel lain atau query untuk memilih dari field dan ulangi proses dengan memindahkannya ke pilihan kotak Fields. Klik Next > ketika semua field telah dipilih.
3. Pada jendela berikutnya, masukkan nama untuk query dan klik Finish.
4. Mengacu pada langkah 5-8 pada tutorial sebelumnya untuk memasukkan parameter lain pada query.
Menemukan Salinan Query
Query ini akan menyaring arsip keluar dalam tabel tungga yang berisi salinan values dalam field.
1. Klik tombol New pada database Query window, pilih Find Duplicates Query Wizard dari jendela New Query dan klik OK.
2. Pilih tabel atau query yang salinan yang ditemukan yang akan djalanan dari daftar yang disediakan dan klik Next >.
3. Pilih field yang berisi salinan values dengan menyorot namanya dalam daftar fields yang disediakan dan klik tombol > untuk memindahkan field ke Duplicate-value fields list atau >> untuk memindahkan semua ke fields. Klik Next > ketika semua fields telah dipilih
4. Pilih field yang muncul dalam new query bersama dengan field yang dipilih dalam layar sebelumnya dan klik Next >.
5. Beri nama pada new query dan klik Finish.
Menghapus Query
Untuk menghapus tabel dari query, klik judul tabel dan tekan Delete pada keyboard.
Forms digunakan sebagai jalan alternatif untuk memasukan data ke tabel database.
Membuat Form dengan Wizard
Untuk membuat form dengan memakai bantuan wizard, ikuti langkah berikut :
1. Klik Create form by using wizard option pada jendela database.
2. Dari Tables/Queries menu panah bawah, pilih tabel atau query datasheet form yang akan dimodifikasi. Lalu, pilih field yang akan dimasukkan ke form sorot salah satunya pada jendela Available Fields dan klik panah kanan sekali untuk memindahkan field ke Selected Fields. Untuk memindahkan semua field ke Select fields, klik ganda tombol panah kanan dua kali. Jika anda membuat kesalahan dan dan akan menghapus field atau semua field dari jendela Selected Fields, klik panah kiri < atau dobel panah kiri <<. Setelah field yang sesuai dipilih, klik tombol Next > untuk memindahkannya ke layar berikutnya.
3. Pada layar berikutnya, Pilih layout dari form.
* Columnar – Arsip tunggal ditampilkan sekali dengan label dan form daftar field berdampingan pada kolom
* Justified – Arsip tunggal ditampilkan dengan label dan form field terdaftar melewati layar.
* Tabular – Arsip ganda terdaftar pada halaman sekali dengan field pada kolom dan arsip pada baris.
* Datasheet – Arsip ganda ditampilkan dalam Datasheet View
Klik Tombol Next > untuk memindahkan pada layar berikutnya.
1. Pilih visual style dari form dengan memilih option dan klik Next >.
2. Pada layar terakhir, nama form dalam space disediakan. Pilih “Open the form to view or enter information” untuk membuka form form dalam Form View atau “Modify the form’s design” untuk membuka dalam Design View. Klik Finish untuk membuat form
Membuat Form dalam Design View
Untuk membuat form tanpa, ikuti langkah berikut:
1. Klik tombol New pada form jendela database
2. Pilih “Design View”dan pilh tabel atau query form akan menghubungkan dengan form dari menu panah kebawah.
3. Pilih View|Toolbox dari menu bar untuk melihat toolbar terapung dengan tambahan option
4. Masukkan kontrol ke form dengan mengklik dan mendrag nama field dari Field List floating window. Access membuat kotak teks untuk nilai dan label untuk nama field ketika tindakan ini selesai. Untuk mmeasukkan kontrol untuk semua field dalam daftar field, klik ganda judul Field List window’s bar dan drag semua dari field yang disorot ke form.
Memasukkan Arsip menggunakan Form
Masukkan data ke tabel dengan mengisi field form. Tekan Tab untuk memindahkan dari field to field dan membuat arsip baru dengan mengklik Tab setelah field arsip terakhir. Arsip baru bisa juga dibuat kapan saja dengan mengklik tombol New Record new record buttonpada bawah form window. Arsip otomatis disimpan ketika memasukinya, jadi tidak perlu menyimpan secara manual.
Form Controls
Halaman ini menerangkan penggunaan beberapa tipe form kontrol termasuk daftar, combo boxes, checkboxes, option groups, dan tombol perintah
List dan Combo Boxes
Jika membutuhkan ruang yang kecil, berupa angka gunakan Combo Box, menggunakan combo atau list boxes akan mempermudah dan mempercepat pemasukan data. Ada dua tipe kontrol berbeda dalam nilai angka yang mereka tampilkan. Daftar angka semua dtampilkan pada list box, jika menggunakan Combo Box perlu menggunakan panah ke bawah. seperti contoh dibawah.
Combo Box
List Box
Academic 3 Ben Hill Griffin III Hall Reed Hall Whitaker Hall
Academic 3 Ben Hill Griffin III Hall Reed Hall Whitaker Hall
Dengan menggunakan combo atau list box, nama gedung sekolah tidak perlu diketik untuk semua arsip. Sebagai gantinya, dapat dilakukan dengan memilih dari list. Ikuti langkah berikut untuk memasukkan list atau combo box ke form:
1. Buka form dalam Design View.
2. Pilih View|Toolbox untuk melihat toolbox dan yakinkan tombol”Control Wizards”ditekan
3. Klik list atau atau tombol combo box tool dan gambar garis batas pada form. Combo box wizard kotak dialog akan tampil.
4. Pilih sumber untuk list atau combo box dan klik Next >.
5. Tergantung dari pilihan anda dalam kotak dialog pertama, pilihan berikutnya akan bervariasi. Jika anda memilih untuk look up values dari tabel atau query, Ikuti kotak akan muncul. Pilih table atau query dari nilai kotak combo. Klik Next > dan pilih fields dari tabel atau query yang dipilih. Klik Next >untuk memproses
6. Pada kotak dialog selanjutnya, set lebar combo box dengan mengklik dan mendrag ke tepi kolom. Klik Next >.
7. Kotak dialog berikutnya mengijinkan menerangkan access apa yang dilakukan dengan nilai yang dipilih. Pilih”Remember the value for later use” untuk menggunakan nilai dalam macro atau pilih field dimana nilai disimpan. Klik Next > untuk memproses ke layar terakhir.
8. Ketik nama yang akan muncul dalam kotak label dan klik Finish.
Check Boxes dan Tombol Option
Gunakan check boxes dan tombol option button untuk menampilkan nilai yes/no, true/false, or on/off. Hanya satu nilai dari group tombol pilihan yang bisa dipilih ketika beberapa atau semua nilai dari check box group telah dipilih. Artinya ada lima atau kurang pilihan yang ada yang bisa dipilih. Combo boxes atau lists harus digunakan untuk daftar yang pilihan yang panjang. Untuk memasukkan checkbox atau option group:
1. Klik Option Group tool pada toolbox dan tarik daerah dimanan group akan ditempatkan pada form dengan mouse.. The option group wizard kotak dialog akan muncul.
2. Pada jendela pertama, masukkan label untuk pilihan dan klik tombol tab ntuk masuk ke label. Klik Next > ketika label selesai diketik.
3. Pada jendela selanjutnya, pilih nilai default jika ada dan klik Next >.
4. Pilih nilai untuk options dan klik Next >.
5. Pilih apa yang harus dilakukan dengan value dan klik Next >.
6. Pilih type dan style dari option group dan klik Next >.
7. Ketik untuk penggolongan dan option group dan klik Finish.
Tombol Perintah
Pada contoh ini, tombol perintah disamping arsip digunakan untuk membuka form yang lain.
1. Buka form dalam Design View dan pastikan tombol Control Wizard button pada toolbox ditekan.
2. Klik tombol perintah icon pada toolbox dan tarik tombol ke form. Command Button Wizard akan muncul.
3. Pada jendela dialog pertama, kategori aksi akan muncul dalam daftar sebelah kiri sedangkan yang kanan masing-masing kategori aksi. Pilih action untuk tombol perintah dan klik Next >.
4. Pada beberapa halaman berikutnya pilihan akan bervariasi berdasarkan pada action yang telah dipilih. Lanjutkan dengan memilih option untuk tombol perintah.
5. Pilih tampilan gambar tombol dengan masuk ke caption text atau selecting a picture. Ceklist kotak Show All Pictures untuk melihat semua daftar gambar yang tersedia. Klik Next >.
6. Masukkan nama untuk tombol perintah dan klik Finish untuk membuat tombol.
Apakah Subform ?
Subform adalah form yang ditempatkan di form parent, disebut juga form utama. Subform terutama berguna untuk menampilkan data dari tabel dan queries yang mempunyai hubungan satu ke banyak. Untuk contoh, pada contoh dibawah, data pada form utama digambarkan dari item informasi tabel ketika isi subform semua dari pesanan untuk item. Arsip item adalah “Satu” bagian dari satu kebanyak hubungan ketika order “banyak” hubungan sejak banyak pesanan bisa ditempatkan untuk satu item. Sisa dari halaman ini menjelaskan tiga metode untuk membuat subform dan mereka berasumsi data tabel dan/atau queries telah dibuat.
Membuat Form dan Subform Sekaligus
Gunakan metode ini jika form telah dibuat. Form utama dan subform bisa dibuat secara otomatis dengan menggunakan wizard Jika table relationships diset dengan baik atau jika query yang disertakan berbagai tabel dipilih Contohnya, hubungan bisa diset antara isi tabel informasi pelanggan dan daftar salah satu order konsumen jadi order untuk masing-masing pelanggan ditampilkan bersama-sama dengan menggunakan form utama dan subform. Ikuti langkah berikut untuk membuat subform dalam form :
1. Klik ganda Create form by using wizard pada database window.
2. Dari Tables/Queries menu panah kebawah, pilih tabel pertama atau query dari form utama yang akan ditampilkan data. Pilih field yang muncul dalam form dengna menyorot nama field pada daftar Available Fields pada sebelah kiri dan klik tombol panah tunggal atau klik panah ganda >> untuk memilih semua field. .
3. Dari jendela yang sama, pilih tabel lain atau query dari menu kebawah Tables/Queries dan piih field yang ditampilkan dalam form Next untuk melanjutkan setelah semua field telah dipilih.
4. Pilih suatu pengaturan untuk forms dengan memilih form with subform(s) jika form ditampilkan pada halaman yang sama atau Linked forms jika ada banyak kontrol pada form utama dan subform akan tidak cocok Klik Next untuk memproses ke halaman berikutnya dari options.
5. Pilih suatu bentuk tabel atau datasheet layout untuk form dan klik Next.
6. Pilih style untuk form dan klik Next.
Masukkan nama untuk form utama dan subform. Klik Finish untuk membuat forms.
7. Arsip baru bisa dimasukkan ke du tabel atau queris sekaligus dengan menggunakan kombinasi form baru.
Subform Wizard
Jika form utama atau kedua form telah ada, Subform Wizard bisa digunakan untuk mengkombinasikan forms. Ikuti langkah berikut untuk menggunakan Subform Wizard:
1. Buka form utama dalam Design View dan buat tombol Control Wizard [Control Wizard button]pada toolbox tertekan.
2. Klik Subform/Subreport icon [Subform icon]pada toolbox dan tarik garis subform pada form utama. Subform Wizard kotak dialog akn muncul ketika tombol mouse dilepas.
3. Jika belum dibuat, pilih “Use existing Tables and Queries”. Cara lainnya, pilih form yang ada yang akan menjadi. Klik Next untuk melanjutkan
4. Window dialog berikutnya akan muncul hubungan tabel yang diasumsikan Access. Pilih satu dari hubungan atau sesuai dengan keinginan anda dan klik Next.
5. Pada kotak dialog terakhir, masukkan nama dari subform dan klik Finish.
Metode Drag-dan-Drop
Gunakan metode ini untuk membuat subform dari dua form yang telah ada. Yakinkan bahwa tabel hubungan telah ada dan diset sebelum mengikuti proses berikut :
1. Buka form utama dalam Design View dan pilih Window|Tile Vertically ke tampilan keduanya database window dan form sisi ke sisi.
1. Drag form icon disamping nama subform ke dalam bagian detail dari form utama design.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Action adalah sekumpulan perintah yang dijalankan pada file tunggal atau bagian files. Contohnya, anda bisa membuat sebuah action yang menerapkan suatu perintah ukuran image untuk merubah image dengan ukuran pixel tertentu, diikuti oleh Mask filter tidak tajam/jelas yang mempertajam/jelas kembali detail itu, dan sebuah perintah Save yang menyimpan file tsb dengan format yang dikehendaki.
Kebanyakan perintah-perintah dan tool operasi dapat direkam dalam action. Action action dapat menyertakan stops yang membolehkan Anda menjalankan tugas-tugas yang tidak bisa direkam (seperti, menggunakan painting tool). Action action dapat juga menyertakan kontrol-kontrol modal yang membolehkan Anda memasukkan nilai-nilai dalam dialog box saat memainkan action. Action action dari form basis untuk droplets, yang merupakan aplikasi-aplikasi kecil yang secara otomatis memproses seluruh file-file yang di drag ke ikon-ikon nya.
Photoshop dan ImageReady keduanya menyertakan sejumlah action yang sudah dikenal, walaupun Photoshop memiliki lebih banyak fungsi user-recordable daripada ImageReady. Anda dapat menggunakan action action sebagaimana adanya, menyesuaikan dengan kehendak Anda, atau membuat action action baru.
Menggunakan palet Action
Anda menggunakan palet palet Actions untuk merekam, memutar, mengedit, dan menghapus action action individual. Dengan Palet ini juga Anda dapat menyimpan dan mengambil file file action.
Pada Photoshop, action action dikelompokan kedalam sets–Anda dapat membuat set baru untuk pengelolaan yang lebih baik pada action Anda. (Lihat Mengatur set set actions (Photoshop).) pada ImageReady, anda tidak bisa mengelompokan action kedalam set-set.
Merekam actions
Ingatlah selalu dipikiran petunjuk berikut saat merekam actions:
* Anda dapat merekam kebanyakan –tapi tidak seluruhnya–perintah2 dalam sebuah action.
* Anda dapat merekam operasi operasi yang menunjukkan Marquee, Move, Polygon, Lasso, Magic Wand, Crop, Slice, Magic Eraser, Gradient, Paint Bucket, Type, Shape, Notes, Eyedropper, dan Color Sampler tools–sebaik yang ditunjukkannya pada History, Swatches, Color, Paths, Channels, Layers, Styles, dan Actions palettes.
* Hasilnya tergantung dari file dan variable variable setingan program, seperti active layer atau warna foreground. Contohnya, sebuah 3-pixel Gaussian blur tidak akan tercipta dengan efek yang sama pada file 72-ppi sebagaimana pada file 144-ppi. Tidak juga Color Balance akan bekerja pada file grayscale.
* Saat perekaman actions yang melibatkan dialog boxes dan palettes, settingan perekaman akan menjadi salah satu yang merepresentasikan dialog box dan palette ketika merekam. Jika anda merubah setting dalam dialog box atau palette ketika merekam sebuah action, nilai hasilnya akan direkam.
Catatan: kebanyakan dialog box akan mempertahankan nilai dari setingan terakhir yang dipakai; pada saat nilainya muncul lagi akan muncul dengan nilai terakhir tersebut. Yakinkan untuk mencek secara seksama untuk melihat nilai nilai yang ingin direkam.
* Modal operations dan tools–sebaik tool tool yang merekam posisi–gunakan satuan yang spesifik sebagai patokan. Modal operation atau tool merupakan salah satu yang membutuhkan untuk menekan Enter atau Return untuk mengetahui efeknya, seperti transformation dan perintah perintah crop. Tool tool yang merekam posisi termasuk Marquee, Slice, Gradient, Magic Wand, Lasso, Shape, Path, Eyedropper, dan Notes tools.
Tip iconDalam Photoshop, saat sedang merekam sebuah action yang akan dimainkan pada sebuah files yang berbeda ukuran, aturlah satuan ke persen.Sebagai hasilnya, action akan selalu dimainkan kemali dengan posisi relatif dari image.
* Anda dapat menyimpan urutan perintah Play pada menu Actions palette untuk membuat satu action memainkan action yang lain.
* Dalam ImageReady, anda dapat men drag sebuah command dari palet History untuk actionnya di palet Actions yang ingin commandnya disimpan. Command command yang ditulis miring tidak dapat disimpan pada action. Anda tak dapat drag command command bercetak miring dari palet History ke palet Actions.
* Photoshop dan ImageReady tidak dapat berbagi action.
Palet action Photoshop A. Action atau set dengan perintah yang dikeluarkanB. Action aau set dengan modal kontrol C. Perintah yang dimasukkan (Mentoggle perintah on atau off) D. Modal control (mentoggle modal control on atau off) E. Perintah yang dikeluarkan F. Set G. Action H. Perintah-perintah yang tersimpan.
Memunculkan palet Actions:
Pilih Window > Actions dan tekan Alt +F9 (Windows) atau Window > Actions (Mac OS), atau click tab palet Actions jika palette nampak tapi tidak aktif.
Secara default, palet Actions memunculkan action action pada mode list–anda dapat membuka dan menutup sets, actions, dan perintah-perintah. Dalam Photoshop, anda dapat juga memilih untuk memunculkan action action dalam mode tombol (sebagai tombol dalam palet Actions palett yang memainkan sebuah action dengan satu clickan mouse). Bagaimanapun, anda tak dapat melihat perintah atau set-set sendiri dalam mode tombol.
Memperluas dan Memperssmpit sets, actions, and perintah-peintah:
Click segitiga Triangle angleke kiri set, action, atau perintah dalam palet Action. Alt-click (Windows) atau Option-click (Mac OS) segitiga untuk memperluas atau mempersempit semua action action dalam sebuah set atau semua perintah dalam satu action.
Untuk memilih actions:
Lakukan salah satu cara berikut:
* Click sebuah nama action untuk memilih single action.
* (Photoshop) Shift-click nama nama action untuk memilih multiple, action action secara berurutan.
* (Photoshop) Ctrl-click (Windows) atau Command-click (Mac OS) nama nama action untuk memilih lebih dari satu, action ation yang tidak berurutan.
Untuk memunculkan action action sebagai tombol (Photoshop):
Pilih Mode tombol dari menu palet Action. Pilih Mode tombol lagi untuk kembali ke mode list.
Untuk membuat set baru (Photoshop):
1. Pakailah salah satu cara berikut:
* Pada palet Action, click tombol Create New Set Create a New Set button .
* Pada menu palet Action, pilih New Set.
1. Masukkan nama buat set yang baru.
Catatan: Jika Anda berencana untuk membuat action yang baru dan mengelompokkannya ke dalam set yang baru, pastikan anda membuat setnya dulu. Lalu , set yang baru akan muncul dalam pop-up menu ketika anda membuat action baru.
Membuat action baru
Pada saat anda membuat sebuah action baru, commands dan tools yang digunakan ditambahkan ke action sampai anda stop merekam.
Untuk membuat sebuah action baru:
1. Buka sebuah file.
1. Dalam Actions palette, click tombol New Action New button, atau pilih New Action dari Actions palette menu.
1. Masukkan sebuah nama untuk actionnya.
1. (Photoshop) Pilih sebuah set dari pop-up menu.
1. Jika ingin, set satu atau keduanya dari options berikut:
* Tandai keyboard shortcut ke action. Anda dapat memilih beberapa kombinasi dari kunci fungsi, Ctrl key (Windows) atau Command key (Mac OS), dan Shift key (misalnya, Ctrl+Shift+F3), dengan pengecualian-pengecualian berikut: Pada Windows, anda tidak dapat menggunakan F1 key, juga anda tidak dapat menggunakan F4 atau F6 dengan Ctrl key.
* (Photoshop) Tandai sebuah warna untuk ditampilkan dalam Button Mode.
1. Click Record. Tombol Record dalam Actions palette menjadi merah Record button (red) .
Penting: Saat merekam Save As command, jangan merubah nama file. Jika anda memasukkan nama file yang baru, Photoshop merekam nama file tersebut dan menggunakannya setiap saat anda menjalankan action. Sebelum menyimpan, jika anda memembuka ke folder yang berebeda, anda dapat menentukan sebuah lokasi baru yang berbeda dengan tanpa menentukan nama file.
1. Pilih commands, dan tampilkan operasi-operasi yang ingin direkam.
1. Untuk menghentikan perekaman, click tombol Stop, pilih Stop Recording dari Actions palette menu, atau tekan Escape. Untuk melanjutkan perekaman dalam ation yang sama, pilih Start Recording dari Actions palette menu.
Menyisipkan nonrecordable commands (Photoshop)
Anda tidak dapat merekam painting tool dan toning tool, tool options, view commands, dan window commands. Bagaimanapun, Anda dapat mnyisipkan beberapa nonrecordable commands kedalam sebuah action menggunakan Insert Menu Item command.
Anda dapat menyisipkan sebuah command ketika merekam sebuah action, atau setelah selesai direkam. Penyisipan command tidak menjalankan apapun sampai action dimainkan, sehingga file tidak beubah saat command disisipkan. Tidak ada nilai untuk command yang terekam dalam action. Jika command mempunyai dialog box, dialog box tsb muncul selama action diputar, dan action terhenti sampai anda mengklik click OK atau Cancel.
Catatan: Saat anda menggunakan Insert Menu Item command untuk menyisipkan sebuah command yang membuka dialog box, Anda tidak akan dapat menonaktifkan modal control di palet Actions.
Untuk menyisipkan sebuah menu item dalam action:
1. Pilih dimana akan disisipkan menu item:
* Pilih nama sebuah action untuk menyisipkan item pada akhir action.
* Pilih sebuah command untuk menyisipkan item di akhir command.
1. Pilih Insert Menu Item dari mpalet menu Actions.
1. Dengan Insert Menu Item dialog box terbuka, pilih command dari menunya.
1. Click OK.
Menyisipkan setingan optimization untuk slice slice yang dipilih (ImageReady)
Saat anda merekam langkah action Save Optimized, ImageReady menyertakan setingan optimization sebagai entri image. Anda dapat menyisipkan setingan optimization untuk slice-slice secara individual dengan menggunakan Insert Set Optimization Settings command.
Untuk menyisipkan setingan optimization dalam action:
1. Pilih satu slice atau beberapa slice untuk direkam optimization settings. (Lihat Memilih slices.)
1. Pilih action yang ingin disisipkan setingan setingan optimization.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Pilih Insert Set Optimization Settings ke format file dari menu palet Actions. (Command mengindikasikan format file optimization sedang dipakai pada slice yang dipilih.)
* Drag ikon droplet Droplet icon dari palet Optimize ke palet Actions.
* Click tombol Insert Step Insert Step button pada bagian bawah palet Actions palette. Pilih Insert Set Optimization Settings To, dan pilihlah sebuah format.
Memutar actions
Memutar action artinya menjalankan rangkaian commands yang direkam pada dokument yang aktif. Anda lalu dapat mengesampingkan beberapa commands dari action atau memutar command tunggal. Jika action menyertakan modal control, anda dapat menspesifikan nilai yang ada dalam dialog box atau menggunakan modal tool saat action dipause.
Action diterapakan pada sebuah image
Catatan: Dalam button mode, mengklik sebuah tombol akan menjalankan action–dengan command command sebelumnya tidak akan di jalankan.
Untuk memutar action pada file:
1. Buka sebuah file.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Untuk memutar action, pilih nama actionnya, lalu click tombol Play Play button dalam palet Actions, atau pilih Play dari menu palette.
* Jika Anda menggunakan kunci kombinasi pada actionnya, tekan kombinasinya untuk memutar action secara otomatis.
* Untuk memutar bagian dari sebuah action, pilih command dimana ingin dimulai, lalu click tombol Play dalam palet Actions, atau pilih Play dari menu palet.
Untuk memutar command tunggal dalam action:
1. Pilih command yang ingin dimainkan.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Ctrl-click (Windows) atau Command-click (Mac OS) tombol Play pada palet Actions.
* tekan Ctrl (Windows) atau Command (Mac OS), dan double-click command.
Untuk meralat masukan action:
Lakukan langkah berikut:
* (Photoshop) Ambil snapshot pada palet History sebelum anda memainkan action, lalu pilih snapshot untuk meralat action.
* (ImageReady) Pilih Edit > Undo Action Name.
Kebanyakan perintah-perintah dan tool operasi dapat direkam dalam action. Action action dapat menyertakan stops yang membolehkan Anda menjalankan tugas-tugas yang tidak bisa direkam (seperti, menggunakan painting tool). Action action dapat juga menyertakan kontrol-kontrol modal yang membolehkan Anda memasukkan nilai-nilai dalam dialog box saat memainkan action. Action action dari form basis untuk droplets, yang merupakan aplikasi-aplikasi kecil yang secara otomatis memproses seluruh file-file yang di drag ke ikon-ikon nya.
Photoshop dan ImageReady keduanya menyertakan sejumlah action yang sudah dikenal, walaupun Photoshop memiliki lebih banyak fungsi user-recordable daripada ImageReady. Anda dapat menggunakan action action sebagaimana adanya, menyesuaikan dengan kehendak Anda, atau membuat action action baru.
Menggunakan palet Action
Anda menggunakan palet palet Actions untuk merekam, memutar, mengedit, dan menghapus action action individual. Dengan Palet ini juga Anda dapat menyimpan dan mengambil file file action.
Pada Photoshop, action action dikelompokan kedalam sets–Anda dapat membuat set baru untuk pengelolaan yang lebih baik pada action Anda. (Lihat Mengatur set set actions (Photoshop).) pada ImageReady, anda tidak bisa mengelompokan action kedalam set-set.
Merekam actions
Ingatlah selalu dipikiran petunjuk berikut saat merekam actions:
* Anda dapat merekam kebanyakan –tapi tidak seluruhnya–perintah2 dalam sebuah action.
* Anda dapat merekam operasi operasi yang menunjukkan Marquee, Move, Polygon, Lasso, Magic Wand, Crop, Slice, Magic Eraser, Gradient, Paint Bucket, Type, Shape, Notes, Eyedropper, dan Color Sampler tools–sebaik yang ditunjukkannya pada History, Swatches, Color, Paths, Channels, Layers, Styles, dan Actions palettes.
* Hasilnya tergantung dari file dan variable variable setingan program, seperti active layer atau warna foreground. Contohnya, sebuah 3-pixel Gaussian blur tidak akan tercipta dengan efek yang sama pada file 72-ppi sebagaimana pada file 144-ppi. Tidak juga Color Balance akan bekerja pada file grayscale.
* Saat perekaman actions yang melibatkan dialog boxes dan palettes, settingan perekaman akan menjadi salah satu yang merepresentasikan dialog box dan palette ketika merekam. Jika anda merubah setting dalam dialog box atau palette ketika merekam sebuah action, nilai hasilnya akan direkam.
Catatan: kebanyakan dialog box akan mempertahankan nilai dari setingan terakhir yang dipakai; pada saat nilainya muncul lagi akan muncul dengan nilai terakhir tersebut. Yakinkan untuk mencek secara seksama untuk melihat nilai nilai yang ingin direkam.
* Modal operations dan tools–sebaik tool tool yang merekam posisi–gunakan satuan yang spesifik sebagai patokan. Modal operation atau tool merupakan salah satu yang membutuhkan untuk menekan Enter atau Return untuk mengetahui efeknya, seperti transformation dan perintah perintah crop. Tool tool yang merekam posisi termasuk Marquee, Slice, Gradient, Magic Wand, Lasso, Shape, Path, Eyedropper, dan Notes tools.
Tip iconDalam Photoshop, saat sedang merekam sebuah action yang akan dimainkan pada sebuah files yang berbeda ukuran, aturlah satuan ke persen.Sebagai hasilnya, action akan selalu dimainkan kemali dengan posisi relatif dari image.
* Anda dapat menyimpan urutan perintah Play pada menu Actions palette untuk membuat satu action memainkan action yang lain.
* Dalam ImageReady, anda dapat men drag sebuah command dari palet History untuk actionnya di palet Actions yang ingin commandnya disimpan. Command command yang ditulis miring tidak dapat disimpan pada action. Anda tak dapat drag command command bercetak miring dari palet History ke palet Actions.
* Photoshop dan ImageReady tidak dapat berbagi action.
Palet action Photoshop A. Action atau set dengan perintah yang dikeluarkanB. Action aau set dengan modal kontrol C. Perintah yang dimasukkan (Mentoggle perintah on atau off) D. Modal control (mentoggle modal control on atau off) E. Perintah yang dikeluarkan F. Set G. Action H. Perintah-perintah yang tersimpan.
Memunculkan palet Actions:
Pilih Window > Actions dan tekan Alt +F9 (Windows) atau Window > Actions (Mac OS), atau click tab palet Actions jika palette nampak tapi tidak aktif.
Secara default, palet Actions memunculkan action action pada mode list–anda dapat membuka dan menutup sets, actions, dan perintah-perintah. Dalam Photoshop, anda dapat juga memilih untuk memunculkan action action dalam mode tombol (sebagai tombol dalam palet Actions palett yang memainkan sebuah action dengan satu clickan mouse). Bagaimanapun, anda tak dapat melihat perintah atau set-set sendiri dalam mode tombol.
Memperluas dan Memperssmpit sets, actions, and perintah-peintah:
Click segitiga Triangle angleke kiri set, action, atau perintah dalam palet Action. Alt-click (Windows) atau Option-click (Mac OS) segitiga untuk memperluas atau mempersempit semua action action dalam sebuah set atau semua perintah dalam satu action.
Untuk memilih actions:
Lakukan salah satu cara berikut:
* Click sebuah nama action untuk memilih single action.
* (Photoshop) Shift-click nama nama action untuk memilih multiple, action action secara berurutan.
* (Photoshop) Ctrl-click (Windows) atau Command-click (Mac OS) nama nama action untuk memilih lebih dari satu, action ation yang tidak berurutan.
Untuk memunculkan action action sebagai tombol (Photoshop):
Pilih Mode tombol dari menu palet Action. Pilih Mode tombol lagi untuk kembali ke mode list.
Untuk membuat set baru (Photoshop):
1. Pakailah salah satu cara berikut:
* Pada palet Action, click tombol Create New Set Create a New Set button .
* Pada menu palet Action, pilih New Set.
1. Masukkan nama buat set yang baru.
Catatan: Jika Anda berencana untuk membuat action yang baru dan mengelompokkannya ke dalam set yang baru, pastikan anda membuat setnya dulu. Lalu , set yang baru akan muncul dalam pop-up menu ketika anda membuat action baru.
Membuat action baru
Pada saat anda membuat sebuah action baru, commands dan tools yang digunakan ditambahkan ke action sampai anda stop merekam.
Untuk membuat sebuah action baru:
1. Buka sebuah file.
1. Dalam Actions palette, click tombol New Action New button, atau pilih New Action dari Actions palette menu.
1. Masukkan sebuah nama untuk actionnya.
1. (Photoshop) Pilih sebuah set dari pop-up menu.
1. Jika ingin, set satu atau keduanya dari options berikut:
* Tandai keyboard shortcut ke action. Anda dapat memilih beberapa kombinasi dari kunci fungsi, Ctrl key (Windows) atau Command key (Mac OS), dan Shift key (misalnya, Ctrl+Shift+F3), dengan pengecualian-pengecualian berikut: Pada Windows, anda tidak dapat menggunakan F1 key, juga anda tidak dapat menggunakan F4 atau F6 dengan Ctrl key.
* (Photoshop) Tandai sebuah warna untuk ditampilkan dalam Button Mode.
1. Click Record. Tombol Record dalam Actions palette menjadi merah Record button (red) .
Penting: Saat merekam Save As command, jangan merubah nama file. Jika anda memasukkan nama file yang baru, Photoshop merekam nama file tersebut dan menggunakannya setiap saat anda menjalankan action. Sebelum menyimpan, jika anda memembuka ke folder yang berebeda, anda dapat menentukan sebuah lokasi baru yang berbeda dengan tanpa menentukan nama file.
1. Pilih commands, dan tampilkan operasi-operasi yang ingin direkam.
1. Untuk menghentikan perekaman, click tombol Stop, pilih Stop Recording dari Actions palette menu, atau tekan Escape. Untuk melanjutkan perekaman dalam ation yang sama, pilih Start Recording dari Actions palette menu.
Menyisipkan nonrecordable commands (Photoshop)
Anda tidak dapat merekam painting tool dan toning tool, tool options, view commands, dan window commands. Bagaimanapun, Anda dapat mnyisipkan beberapa nonrecordable commands kedalam sebuah action menggunakan Insert Menu Item command.
Anda dapat menyisipkan sebuah command ketika merekam sebuah action, atau setelah selesai direkam. Penyisipan command tidak menjalankan apapun sampai action dimainkan, sehingga file tidak beubah saat command disisipkan. Tidak ada nilai untuk command yang terekam dalam action. Jika command mempunyai dialog box, dialog box tsb muncul selama action diputar, dan action terhenti sampai anda mengklik click OK atau Cancel.
Catatan: Saat anda menggunakan Insert Menu Item command untuk menyisipkan sebuah command yang membuka dialog box, Anda tidak akan dapat menonaktifkan modal control di palet Actions.
Untuk menyisipkan sebuah menu item dalam action:
1. Pilih dimana akan disisipkan menu item:
* Pilih nama sebuah action untuk menyisipkan item pada akhir action.
* Pilih sebuah command untuk menyisipkan item di akhir command.
1. Pilih Insert Menu Item dari mpalet menu Actions.
1. Dengan Insert Menu Item dialog box terbuka, pilih command dari menunya.
1. Click OK.
Menyisipkan setingan optimization untuk slice slice yang dipilih (ImageReady)
Saat anda merekam langkah action Save Optimized, ImageReady menyertakan setingan optimization sebagai entri image. Anda dapat menyisipkan setingan optimization untuk slice-slice secara individual dengan menggunakan Insert Set Optimization Settings command.
Untuk menyisipkan setingan optimization dalam action:
1. Pilih satu slice atau beberapa slice untuk direkam optimization settings. (Lihat Memilih slices.)
1. Pilih action yang ingin disisipkan setingan setingan optimization.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Pilih Insert Set Optimization Settings ke format file dari menu palet Actions. (Command mengindikasikan format file optimization sedang dipakai pada slice yang dipilih.)
* Drag ikon droplet Droplet icon dari palet Optimize ke palet Actions.
* Click tombol Insert Step Insert Step button pada bagian bawah palet Actions palette. Pilih Insert Set Optimization Settings To, dan pilihlah sebuah format.
Memutar actions
Memutar action artinya menjalankan rangkaian commands yang direkam pada dokument yang aktif. Anda lalu dapat mengesampingkan beberapa commands dari action atau memutar command tunggal. Jika action menyertakan modal control, anda dapat menspesifikan nilai yang ada dalam dialog box atau menggunakan modal tool saat action dipause.
Action diterapakan pada sebuah image
Catatan: Dalam button mode, mengklik sebuah tombol akan menjalankan action–dengan command command sebelumnya tidak akan di jalankan.
Untuk memutar action pada file:
1. Buka sebuah file.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Untuk memutar action, pilih nama actionnya, lalu click tombol Play Play button dalam palet Actions, atau pilih Play dari menu palette.
* Jika Anda menggunakan kunci kombinasi pada actionnya, tekan kombinasinya untuk memutar action secara otomatis.
* Untuk memutar bagian dari sebuah action, pilih command dimana ingin dimulai, lalu click tombol Play dalam palet Actions, atau pilih Play dari menu palet.
Untuk memutar command tunggal dalam action:
1. Pilih command yang ingin dimainkan.
1. Lakukan langkah berikut:
* Ctrl-click (Windows) atau Command-click (Mac OS) tombol Play pada palet Actions.
* tekan Ctrl (Windows) atau Command (Mac OS), dan double-click command.
Untuk meralat masukan action:
Lakukan langkah berikut:
* (Photoshop) Ambil snapshot pada palet History sebelum anda memainkan action, lalu pilih snapshot untuk meralat action.
* (ImageReady) Pilih Edit > Undo Action Name.
• Pertama kali istilah “virus” digunakan oleh Fred Cohen pada tahun 1984 di Amerika Serikat. Virus komputer dinamakan “virus” karena memiliki beberapa persamaan mendasar dengan virus pada istilah kedokteran (biological viruses). Virus komputer bisa diartikan sebagai suatu program komputer biasa. Tetapi memiliki perbedaan yang mendasar dengan program-program lainnya,yaitu virus dibuat untuk menulari program-program lainnya, mengubah, memanipulasinya bahkan sampai merusaknya. Ada yang perlu dicatat disini, virus hanya akan menulari apabila program pemicu atau program yang telah terinfeksi tadi dieksekusi, disinilah perbedaannya dengan “worm”.
Suatu program dapat disebut sebagai suatu virus apabila memenuhi minimal 5 kriteria berikut :
• Kemampuan untuk mendapatkan informasi.
• Kemampuan untuk memeriksa suatu file.
• Kemampuan untuk menggandakan diri dan menularkan diri.
• Kemampuan melakukan manipulasi.
• Kemampuan untuk menyembunyikan diri.
Kemampuan untuk mendapatkan informasi
• Pada umumnya suatu virus memerlukan daftar nama-nama file yang ada dalam suatu directory. Untuk apa? Agar dia dapat memperoleh daftar file yang bisa dia tulari. Misalnya, virus makro yang akan menginfeksi semua file data MS Word, akan mencari daftar file berekstensi *.doc.
Kemampuan memeriksa suatu program
Suatu virus juga harus bisa memeriksa suatu file yang akan ditulari, misalnya dia bertugas menulari program berekstensi *.doc, maka dia harus memeriksa apakah file dokumen tersebut telah terinfeksi ataupun belum, karena jika sudah, akan percuma menularinya lagi
Kemampuan untuk menggandakan diri
• Inti dari virus adalah kemampuan mengandakan diri dengan cara menulari file lainnya. Suatu virus apabila telah menemukan calon korbannya maka ia akan mengenalinya dengan memeriksanya. Jika belum terinfeksi maka sang virus akan memulai aksinya penularan dengan cara menuliskan byte pengenal pada file tersebut, dan seterusnya mengcopikan/menulis kode objek virus diatas file sasaran. Beberapa cara umum yang dilakukan oleh virus untuk menulari/menggandakan dirinya adalah :File yang akan ditulari dihapus atau diubah namanya. Kemudian diciptakan suatu file berisi program virus itu sendiri menggunakan nama file yang asli.Program virus yang sudah dieksekusi/load ke memori akan langsung menulari file-file lain dengan cara menumpangi seluruh file yang ada.
Kemampuan mengadakan manipulasi
• Rutin (routine) yang dimiliki suatu virus akan dijalankan setelah virus menulari suatu file. Isi dari suatu rutin ini dapat beragam mulai dari yang tidak berbahaya sampai yang melakukan perusakan. Rutin ini umumnya digunakan untuk memanipulasi file atau pun mempopulerkan pembuatnya. Rutin ini memanfaatkan kemampuan dari suatu sistem operasi (Operating System), sehingga memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan yang dimiliki sistem operasi. Misal :
– Membuat gambar atau pesan pada monitor.
– Mengganti/mengubah-ubah label dari tiap file, direktori, atau label dari drive di PC.
– Memanipulasi file yang ditulari.
– Merusak file.
– Mengacaukan kerja printer, dsb.
Kemampuan Menyembunyikan diri
• Kemampuan menyembunyikan diri ini harus dimiliki oleh suatu virus agar semua pekerjaan baik dari awal sampai berhasilnya penularan dapat terlaksana.Langkah langkah yang biasa dilakukan adalah:
• Program virus disimpan dalam bentuk kode mesin dan digabung dengan program lain yang dianggap berguna oleh pemakai.
• Program virus diletakkan pada Boot Record atau track pada disk yang jarang diperhatikan oleh komputer itu sendiri.
• Program virus dibuat sependek mungkin, dan hasil file yang diinfeksi tidak terlalu berubah ukurannya
Cara Penyebaran Virus
• Disket, media storage R/W
Media penyimpanan eksternal dapat menjadi sasaran empuk bagi virus untuk dijadikan media. Baik sebagai tempat menetap ataupun sebagai media penyebarannya. Media yang bias melakukan operasi R/W (Read dan Write) sangat memungkinkan untuk ditumpangi virus dan dijadikan sebagai media penyebaran.
• Jaringan ( LAN, WAN,dsb)
Hubungan antara beberapa computer secara langsung sangat memungkinkan suatu virus ikut berpindah saat terjadi pertukaran/pengeksekusian file yang mengandung virus.
• WWW (internet)
Sangat mungkin suatu situs sengaja ditanamkan suatu ?virus??? yang akan menginfeksi komputer-komputer yang mengaksesnya.
• Software yang Freeware, Shareware atau bahkan Bajakan
Banyak sekali virus yang sengaja ditanamkan dalam suatu program yang disebarluaskan baik secara gratis, atau trial version.
• Attachment pada email, transfering file
Hampir semua jenis penyebaran virus akhir-akhir ini menggunakan email attachment dikarenakan semua pemakai jasa internet pastilah menggunakan email untuk berkomunikasi, file-file ini sengaja dibuat mencolok/menarik perhatian, bahkan seringkali memiliki ekstensi ganda pada penamaan filenya.
Virus komputer merupakan program komputer yang dapat menggandakan atau menyalin dirinya sendiri dan menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan salinan dirinya ke dalam program atau dokumen lain. Virus komputer dapat merusak (misalnya dengan merusak data pada dokumen), membuat pengguna komputer merasa terganggu, maupun tidak menimbulkan efek sama sekali
• Worm atau cacing komputer dalam keamanan komputer, adalah sebutan untuk sebuah program yang menyebarkan dirinya di dalam banyak komputer, dengan menggandakan dirinya dalam memori setiap komputer yang terinfeksi. Sebuah worm dapat menggandakan dirinya dalam sebuah sistem komputer sehingga dapat menyebabkan sistem tersebut mengalami crash sehingga mengharuskan server harus di-restart. Beberapa worm juga menghabiskan bandwidth yang tersedia. Worm merupakan evolusi dari virus komputer.
• Trojan horse atau Kuda Troya, dalam keamanan komputer merujuk kepada sebuah bentuk perangkat lunak yang mencurigakan (malicious software/malware) yang dapat merusak sebuah sistem atau jaringan. Dapat disebut sebagai Trojan saja.
• Trojan berbeda dengan virus komputer atau worm karena dua hal berikut:
- * Trojan bersifat “stealth” (siluman dan tidak terlihat) dalam operasinya dan seringkali berbentuk seolah-olah program tersebut merupakan program baik-baik, sementara virus komputer atau worm bertindak lebih agresif dengan merusak sistem atau membuat sistem menjadi crash.
- * Trojan tidak mereplikasi dirinya sendiri, sementara virus komputer dan worm melakukannya.
Mencegah Masuknya Virus
• Install program anti-virus dan update-lah secara reguler
• Jangan membuka attachment email dari orang yang tidak dikenal
• Backup data secara berkala
• Non aktifkan fasilitas autorun pada komputer kita, sehingga CD-ROM maupun flashdisk yang kita masukkan ke komputer tidak langsung menjalankan file yang ada di dalamnya Jangan menginstall software yang pembuatnya tidak jelas (tidak dapat dipercaya)
• Jika anda terhubung langsung ke Internet cobalah untuk mengkombinasikan antivirus anda dengan Firewall, Anti-spamming dsb
• Selalu waspada terhadap fle-file yang mencurigakan, contoh : file dengan 2 buah exstension atau file executable yang terlihat mencurigakan
• Selalu scanning semua media penyimpanan eksternal yang akan digunakan, mungkin hal ini agak merepotkan tetapi jika auto-protect antivirus anda bekerja maka prosedur ini dapat dilewatkan.
• Periksa setiap flashdisk yang dimasukkan apakah ada file autorun.inf, jika ada coba dilihat isinya, jika mengacu ke sebuah file .exe, .dll atau .scr yang aneh / hidden, segera hapus file-nya atau scan dengan antivirus Tampilkan semua ekstensi file windows, termasuk file system windows. Caranya : Di windows explorer buka menu Tools > Folder Options… kemudian pilih tab view Kemudian pilih (aktifkan) opsi “show hidden files and folder”, hilangkan check pada pilihan “Hide extensions for known file types” juga hilangkan tanda check pada “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”.
Suatu program dapat disebut sebagai suatu virus apabila memenuhi minimal 5 kriteria berikut :
• Kemampuan untuk mendapatkan informasi.
• Kemampuan untuk memeriksa suatu file.
• Kemampuan untuk menggandakan diri dan menularkan diri.
• Kemampuan melakukan manipulasi.
• Kemampuan untuk menyembunyikan diri.
Kemampuan untuk mendapatkan informasi
• Pada umumnya suatu virus memerlukan daftar nama-nama file yang ada dalam suatu directory. Untuk apa? Agar dia dapat memperoleh daftar file yang bisa dia tulari. Misalnya, virus makro yang akan menginfeksi semua file data MS Word, akan mencari daftar file berekstensi *.doc.
Kemampuan memeriksa suatu program
Suatu virus juga harus bisa memeriksa suatu file yang akan ditulari, misalnya dia bertugas menulari program berekstensi *.doc, maka dia harus memeriksa apakah file dokumen tersebut telah terinfeksi ataupun belum, karena jika sudah, akan percuma menularinya lagi
Kemampuan untuk menggandakan diri
• Inti dari virus adalah kemampuan mengandakan diri dengan cara menulari file lainnya. Suatu virus apabila telah menemukan calon korbannya maka ia akan mengenalinya dengan memeriksanya. Jika belum terinfeksi maka sang virus akan memulai aksinya penularan dengan cara menuliskan byte pengenal pada file tersebut, dan seterusnya mengcopikan/menulis kode objek virus diatas file sasaran. Beberapa cara umum yang dilakukan oleh virus untuk menulari/menggandakan dirinya adalah :File yang akan ditulari dihapus atau diubah namanya. Kemudian diciptakan suatu file berisi program virus itu sendiri menggunakan nama file yang asli.Program virus yang sudah dieksekusi/load ke memori akan langsung menulari file-file lain dengan cara menumpangi seluruh file yang ada.
Kemampuan mengadakan manipulasi
• Rutin (routine) yang dimiliki suatu virus akan dijalankan setelah virus menulari suatu file. Isi dari suatu rutin ini dapat beragam mulai dari yang tidak berbahaya sampai yang melakukan perusakan. Rutin ini umumnya digunakan untuk memanipulasi file atau pun mempopulerkan pembuatnya. Rutin ini memanfaatkan kemampuan dari suatu sistem operasi (Operating System), sehingga memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan yang dimiliki sistem operasi. Misal :
– Membuat gambar atau pesan pada monitor.
– Mengganti/mengubah-ubah label dari tiap file, direktori, atau label dari drive di PC.
– Memanipulasi file yang ditulari.
– Merusak file.
– Mengacaukan kerja printer, dsb.
Kemampuan Menyembunyikan diri
• Kemampuan menyembunyikan diri ini harus dimiliki oleh suatu virus agar semua pekerjaan baik dari awal sampai berhasilnya penularan dapat terlaksana.Langkah langkah yang biasa dilakukan adalah:
• Program virus disimpan dalam bentuk kode mesin dan digabung dengan program lain yang dianggap berguna oleh pemakai.
• Program virus diletakkan pada Boot Record atau track pada disk yang jarang diperhatikan oleh komputer itu sendiri.
• Program virus dibuat sependek mungkin, dan hasil file yang diinfeksi tidak terlalu berubah ukurannya
Cara Penyebaran Virus
• Disket, media storage R/W
Media penyimpanan eksternal dapat menjadi sasaran empuk bagi virus untuk dijadikan media. Baik sebagai tempat menetap ataupun sebagai media penyebarannya. Media yang bias melakukan operasi R/W (Read dan Write) sangat memungkinkan untuk ditumpangi virus dan dijadikan sebagai media penyebaran.
• Jaringan ( LAN, WAN,dsb)
Hubungan antara beberapa computer secara langsung sangat memungkinkan suatu virus ikut berpindah saat terjadi pertukaran/pengeksekusian file yang mengandung virus.
• WWW (internet)
Sangat mungkin suatu situs sengaja ditanamkan suatu ?virus??? yang akan menginfeksi komputer-komputer yang mengaksesnya.
• Software yang Freeware, Shareware atau bahkan Bajakan
Banyak sekali virus yang sengaja ditanamkan dalam suatu program yang disebarluaskan baik secara gratis, atau trial version.
• Attachment pada email, transfering file
Hampir semua jenis penyebaran virus akhir-akhir ini menggunakan email attachment dikarenakan semua pemakai jasa internet pastilah menggunakan email untuk berkomunikasi, file-file ini sengaja dibuat mencolok/menarik perhatian, bahkan seringkali memiliki ekstensi ganda pada penamaan filenya.
Virus komputer merupakan program komputer yang dapat menggandakan atau menyalin dirinya sendiri dan menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan salinan dirinya ke dalam program atau dokumen lain. Virus komputer dapat merusak (misalnya dengan merusak data pada dokumen), membuat pengguna komputer merasa terganggu, maupun tidak menimbulkan efek sama sekali
• Worm atau cacing komputer dalam keamanan komputer, adalah sebutan untuk sebuah program yang menyebarkan dirinya di dalam banyak komputer, dengan menggandakan dirinya dalam memori setiap komputer yang terinfeksi. Sebuah worm dapat menggandakan dirinya dalam sebuah sistem komputer sehingga dapat menyebabkan sistem tersebut mengalami crash sehingga mengharuskan server harus di-restart. Beberapa worm juga menghabiskan bandwidth yang tersedia. Worm merupakan evolusi dari virus komputer.
• Trojan horse atau Kuda Troya, dalam keamanan komputer merujuk kepada sebuah bentuk perangkat lunak yang mencurigakan (malicious software/malware) yang dapat merusak sebuah sistem atau jaringan. Dapat disebut sebagai Trojan saja.
• Trojan berbeda dengan virus komputer atau worm karena dua hal berikut:
- * Trojan bersifat “stealth” (siluman dan tidak terlihat) dalam operasinya dan seringkali berbentuk seolah-olah program tersebut merupakan program baik-baik, sementara virus komputer atau worm bertindak lebih agresif dengan merusak sistem atau membuat sistem menjadi crash.
- * Trojan tidak mereplikasi dirinya sendiri, sementara virus komputer dan worm melakukannya.
Mencegah Masuknya Virus
• Install program anti-virus dan update-lah secara reguler
• Jangan membuka attachment email dari orang yang tidak dikenal
• Backup data secara berkala
• Non aktifkan fasilitas autorun pada komputer kita, sehingga CD-ROM maupun flashdisk yang kita masukkan ke komputer tidak langsung menjalankan file yang ada di dalamnya Jangan menginstall software yang pembuatnya tidak jelas (tidak dapat dipercaya)
• Jika anda terhubung langsung ke Internet cobalah untuk mengkombinasikan antivirus anda dengan Firewall, Anti-spamming dsb
• Selalu waspada terhadap fle-file yang mencurigakan, contoh : file dengan 2 buah exstension atau file executable yang terlihat mencurigakan
• Selalu scanning semua media penyimpanan eksternal yang akan digunakan, mungkin hal ini agak merepotkan tetapi jika auto-protect antivirus anda bekerja maka prosedur ini dapat dilewatkan.
• Periksa setiap flashdisk yang dimasukkan apakah ada file autorun.inf, jika ada coba dilihat isinya, jika mengacu ke sebuah file .exe, .dll atau .scr yang aneh / hidden, segera hapus file-nya atau scan dengan antivirus Tampilkan semua ekstensi file windows, termasuk file system windows. Caranya : Di windows explorer buka menu Tools > Folder Options… kemudian pilih tab view Kemudian pilih (aktifkan) opsi “show hidden files and folder”, hilangkan check pada pilihan “Hide extensions for known file types” juga hilangkan tanda check pada “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”.
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10:19 AM
Teknik komputer dan Jaringan
Thursday, June 4, 2009
microsoft windows XP
Step by Step: Setting Up Microsoft Windows XP
Tip: If possible, print this document before starting Setup. Some steps might require you to shut down the computer, and it will be helpful to have a printed copy of this information.
This document will help you to install Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition. This document also provides answers to other setup-related questions.
Click a link to go directly to that section:
Prepare for Setup
Upgrade to Windows XP
Perform a new installation of Windows XP
Transfer files and settings from another computer
Partition and format a hard drive
Perform other Setup-related tasks
Troubleshoot Setup
Create boot disks
Configure a computer to boot from CD
Set up a multiboot system
Repair or recover a system
Find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article
Additional resources
Installation overview
This release of Windows XP includes Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP. If you uninstall this release of Windows XP, SP2 is automatically uninstalled too. Your computer will be running the operating system that it was running before you installed Windows XP, or it will not be running an operating system. You cannot uninstall SP2 only.
• You can install Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 on computers that are running the following operating systems:
o Microsoft Windows 98
o Windows 98 Second Edition
o Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
o Windows Millennium Edition
o Windows 2000 Professional
o Windows XP Home Edition
o Windows XP Professional
• If you want to upgrade Microsoft Windows 95 to Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, you must first uninstall Windows 95, and then perform a new installation.
• If you are installing Windows XP on an older computer, it’s a good idea to check with your computer manufacturer to see whether a BIOS upgrade is available before you proceed.
Prepare for Setup
There are four important steps you should take before you start Setup:
1. Run an upgrade report – it only takes a few minutes to check system compatibility.
2. Disable virus protection software – if you do not do this, installation might fail.
3. Back up your files either by using the Backup Wizard that is built into Windows, or by using another backup program.
4. Decide which type of Setup you want – an upgrade or a new installation.
Doing these four steps before starting Setup can save you time in the long run.
Run an upgrade report
An upgrade report tells you how your hardware and software will work with Windows XP. The upgrade report is a quick and easy program that you can run using the Windows XP CD. Here's how:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome menu appears, click Check system compatibility.
3. Then click Check my system automatically.
You can also find information about your computer's devices (such as printers, scanners, and so on) at the device manufacturer's Web site, in the Windows Catalog, and on the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL):
Text version of the HCL (for all operating systems)
Text version of the HCL (for Windows XP only)
The Windows Catalog
You can get to all of the above from Windows Hardware and Driver Central (
What do you do if something is incompatible with Windows XP? You can upgrade either the hardware or software in question, find a similar but compatible program or device, or you can remove the program or device and stop using it. To upgrade, contact the manufacturer. To find compatible programs and devices, check the Windows Catalog ( To remove a program, go to Control Panel and open Add or Remove Programs.
Disable virus protection (antivirus) software
Virus protection software sometimes interferes with Setup, so make sure that you disable it before you begin installing Windows XP. For instructions about how to do this, refer to the documentation for your virus protection software.
After setting up Windows XP, remember to enable the virus protection program. In some cases you will need an updated version of the software, which you might be able to download from the software manufacturer's Web site.
Back up your files
Back up any files that you want to preserve, just in case something goes awry. Depending on how many files you have, you can copy them to a floppy disk, removable drive, or CD, or to a network folder if you have a network. You can copy the files directly or use the Backup Wizard included with most versions of Windows. This wizard is located in the Accessories\System Tools folder on the Start menu.
Note: You cannot restore a backup in Windows XP that you created by using the Msbackup tool in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition. For more information about this issue, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 305381, "Cannot Restore Backups That You Create in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me with the Windows XP NTBackup Tool."
Decide which type of Setup you want
There are basically three different types of Setup: an upgrade, a new installation (also known as a clean installation or a full installation), and a multiboot installation. Hint: we highly recommend the first one!
Upgrade. This is the easiest method of installing Windows XP. We recommend you use this method if you are running a previous version of Windows. When you upgrade, you replace the existing operating system with Windows XP, but your data and most user settings should not be affected. (It's always a good idea to back up your files before starting, just in case.)
You can upgrade from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT Workstation 4 (Service Pack 6), or Windows 2000 Professional.
Note: Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 292607 for supported upgrade paths. Also see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 316941 for an overview of the Windows XP Setup process.
Tip: To find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, go to Microsoft Help and Support (, type the article number in the Search the Knowledge Base box, and press ENTER.
New installation. Also known as a full installation or a clean installation, this method requires a little more work than an upgrade. A new installation can install Windows XP on another drive or partition without disturbing an existing installation, or you can choose to wipe out everything on your hard drive so that you "start from scratch." You should definitely back up your files before doing a new installation! As part of a new installation, you can also partition and format your hard drive. It's best to do this as part of Setup, rather than doing it in advance (as you might have done with previous versions of Windows). We'll get to that.
Multiboot installation. The hardest of all three, this method is a variation of the new installation process that lets you run more than one operating system on your computer. For example, you can have both Windows XP and Windows 98 installed. To switch from one to the other, you restart the computer and choose an operating system from a menu that appears when the computer starts. Sounds cool, but don't attempt this unless you are an advanced computer user.
Upgrade to Windows XP
Note: Before installing Windows XP, you should disable your virus protection (antivirus) software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
When you upgrade to Windows XP, you install Windows to the same folder where your current version of Windows is located, updating the earlier version. Here's how:
1. Start your computer. Also, make sure you have your product key handy.
2. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
3. On the menu that appears, click Install Windows XP.
4. On the Welcome to Windows Setup page, click Upgrade (recommended) (if it is not already selected), and then click Next. (You should click Next on each screen from here on.)
5. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement, and follow the instructions to accept or reject the agreement.
6. On the Your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key in the appropriate boxes.
7. On the Get Updated Setup Files page, select the option that you want. Hint: It's a really good idea to select Yes and get the updated files, but you can only do this if you're able to connect to the Internet.
Note: Some of the problems addressed in the troubleshooting section of this document are prevented by getting the updated Setup files.
8. During this phase of Setup, the computer will restart several times, and you'll see screens telling you about new features in Windows XP. This part of Setup takes a while. It's a good time to go have a cup of coffee or take a break.
9. Finally, the computer restarts one last time and Windows XP starts.
Do not forget to enable your virus protection software after Setup is finished.
Perform a new installation of Windows XP
If your computer does not have an operating system currently installed or you have decided to install Windows from scratch, you can perform what is known as a new installation (also known as a clean installation, or a full installation). This process is more complicated and takes longer than an upgrade (about 20 steps as opposed to 9 for an upgrade). To perform an upgrade, refer to the section titled "Upgrade to Windows XP."
Note: Before installing Windows XP, you should disable you virus protection (antivirus) software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
CAUTION: You can choose to delete everything that currently exists on the hard drive during a new installation, so be sure to back up any data you want to keep before you begin (make sure that the backup data is not stored on the drive you are going to delete).
Here's how to perform a new installation of Windows XP:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Note: Make sure the computer can boot from a CD. If it can't, then follow the procedures in the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD" or see the "How do I install Windows from the command prompt?" section under "Perform other Setup-related tasks."
2. Restart the computer.
3. When the message to Press any key to boot from CD… is displayed, quickly press any key (for example, the SPACEBAR). Setup begins.
Note: Pay close attention here, because it's very easy to miss this message. If your current operating system starts, you'll know that you missed the opportunity to boot from CD. Restart your computer and try again.
4. After Setup starts, several messages will flash across the bottom of the screen. These messages are only important under special circumstances, such as installing a particular hardware access layer (HAL), or loading a small computer system interface (SCSI) driver. Most people can ignore them. For more information about this subject, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 295116 and 220845.
5. Next, a screen appears that offers the following three options: Set up Windows XP, Repair a Windows XP installation, or Quit Setup. Press ENTER to select the first option.
6. The End User License Agreement appears next. Read the license agreement and follow the instructions to accept or reject the agreement. If your Windows CD is an upgrade CD, after accepting the agreement, you will be prompted to insert the CD of your previous operating system to verify that the previous version qualifies for upgrade to Windows XP.
Important! If you use a recovery CD from an original equipment manufacturer (also called an OEM), it is possible that the CD will not be accepted. If you delete the partition information or format the drive and the OEM recovery CD is not accepted as valid media, you must use the OEM recovery CD to restore your previous version of Windows. For details about restoring your system using the OEM recovery media, please contact your computer manufacturer.
7. If a screen appears showing an existing installation of Windows XP, press ESC to continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP.
8. At the next screen, you have the option of repartitioning your drive. It's a good idea to repartition if you want to merge several smaller partitions into one large one, or if you want to create several smaller partitions so that you can set up a multiboot configuration. If you want to repartition, follow the instructions to delete existing partitions, if needed, and then select unpartitioned space and press ENTER to proceed.
CAUTION: Deleting a partition will remove all data stored on that partition. Before you continue, make sure you have backed up everything you want to keep.
9. Select the formatting method you would like to use, and then press ENTER. NTFS offers both enhanced formatting capabilities and security technologies. If you need to access drives or DOS files (such as from a DOS-based boot disk) using Windows Millennium Edition or earlier versions of Windows, you might need to select FAT32 instead. Select either format method (quick or slow).
10. Setup will format the drive, copy initial Setup files, and restart the computer.
Note: After the computer restarts, you will again receive the message Press any key to boot from CD but you should ignore it so that you do not interrupt the current installation process.
11. After another restart, the next part of Setup will begin.
12. On the Regional and Language Options page, follow the instructions to add language support or change language settings, if desired.
13. On the Personalize Your Software page, type your name and the name of your company or organization (if applicable).
14. On the Your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key that came with your copy of Windows XP.
15. On the Computer Name and Administrator Password page, make up a computer name (if your network administrator gave you a name to use, type that). Then make up a password for the Administrator account on your computer. Type it once, and then confirm it by typing it again.
Important: Be sure to remember the Administrator password. You'll need this password when you want to make changes to your system in the future.
16. On the Date and Time Settings page, make any changes that are necessary.
17. On the Networking Settings page, if it appears, select Typical settings (unless you plan to manually configure your networking components).
18. On the Workgroup or Computer Domain page, click Next. If you want to add your computer to a domain, select the second option and fill in the domain name. (If you do this, you will be prompted for a user name and password.)
Note: Connecting to a domain is only possible in Windows XP Professional, not in Windows XP Home Edition.
19. Next, while Setup copies files to your computer and completes a few other tasks, you'll see a series of screens that tell you about new features in Windows XP.
20. Finally, your computer will restart. Again, ignore the message to press any key. After Setup completes, eject the CD from the CD-ROM drive.
Do not forget to enable your virus protection software after Setup is finished.
Transfer files and settings from another computer
Did you ever wish that you could easily transfer your files and settings from an old computer to a new one? The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard available in Windows XP can assist you in doing this. This wizard helps take the pain out of upgrading to a new computer.
Here's how to use this wizard:
On your new computer:
1. Click Start, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
2. On the Welcome page of the wizard, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select New computer.
4. On the Do you have a Windows XP CD? page, select I will use the wizard from the Windows XP CD, unless you don't have a Windows XP CD. If that is the case, you will need to make a Wizard Disk so that you can run the wizard on your old computer. Select the first option and follow the instructions to make the Wizard Disk.
5. Now go to your old computer (or the computer that you're transferring files and settings from).
On your old computer:
1. If you don't have a Windows XP CD, insert the Wizard Disk that you created into the floppy drive. Click Start, click Run, and then click Browse. Browse to your floppy drive and then double-click the MigWiz.exe file. In the Run dialog box, click OK.
If you do have a Windows XP CD, insert it into the CD-ROM drive of the computer you want to copy files and settings from and wait for the startup menu to appear. If the menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, and then click Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM drive and then double-click the Setup.exe file. In the Run dialog box, click OK. Click Perform additional tasks, and then click Transfer files and settings.
2. On the Welcome page of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select Old computer.
4. On the Select a transfer method page, choose a method that will work for both computers. For example, you can place the files and settings on a network drive that both computers have access to, or you can use a removable drive. Whatever method you choose, both computers must be able to use it.
5. On the What do you want to transfer? page, select one of the three options. Depending on the type of transfer method you choose, some options are better than others here. For instance, if you plan to transfer more than just a few files and settings, choose a method other than floppy disks (since those have the lowest storage capacity). If you decide to change your transfer method, you can always click Back.
On this page, you can also select a check box that lets you choose a custom list of files and settings to be transferred. This option is for advanced users.
6. At this point, you might see a message telling you to install certain programs on your new computer before continuing. This step is not required, but those programs might not work correctly without doing this.
7. The wizard now collects the files and settings you requested and prepares to transfer them to the new computer. Insert a disk or removable drive when prompted, if you are using one of those methods.
8. On the Completing the Collection Phase page, click Finish. Then go to your new computer, taking along any disk or CD you have used.
On your new computer:
1. Click Start, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
2. On the Welcome page, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select New computer.
4. If you placed your files and settings on a disk or CD, insert it now. On the Where are the files and settings? page, tell the wizard where to find the files and settings. The wizard transfers the files and settings to the new computer.
5. On the Completing the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard page, read any messages about the status of your transfer, and then click Finish.
6. You might see a message telling you that you need to log off before the new settings will appear on your new computer. You can just log off and log back on. There is no need to restart the computer.
That's it! The transferred files and settings should now be on your new computer.
Partition and format a hard drive
If there are no partitions on your hard drive, you will need to create a partition and format it. Alternatively, it's a good idea to repartition your hard drive if you want to merge several smaller partitions into one large one, or if you want to create several smaller partitions so that you can set up a multiboot configuration.
If you want to partition or format your hard drive, we recommend that you use the disk partitioning and formatting tools that are built into Windows XP Setup. These tools allow you to delete existing partitions and to create one or more new partitions.
IMPORTANT: If you follow these steps on a hard disk that is not empty, all of the data stored on that hard disk will be permanently deleted.
To use the disk partitioning and formatting tools in Windows XP Setup:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD/DVD drive (or insert the first Windows XP Setup boot disk into the floppy disk drive), and then restart the computer.
Note: To start your computer from the Windows XP CD (or from the Setup boot disk), your computer must be configured to start from the CD/DVD drive (or the floppy disk drive). In some cases, you might have to modify your computer's BIOS settings to do this. For more information, see "Configure a computer to boot from CD."
2. If you are starting the computer from the Windows XP CD, press a key to boot from CD when you are prompted to do so. If you are starting from the Windows XP Setup boot disks, insert each of the additional disks when prompted, and then press ENTER to continue after inserting each disk.
3. At the Welcome to Setup page, press ENTER to continue.
4. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement, and then follow the instructions for accepting or rejecting the agreement.
5. If an existing Windows XP installation is detected, you will be prompted to repair it. Press ESC (do not repair).
6. All existing partitions and unpartitioned spaces are listed for each physical hard disk. Use the arrow keys to select the partition or unpartitioned space where you want to create a new partition, and then press D to delete an existing partition or press C to create a new partition using unpartitioned space.
If you press D to delete an existing partition, you must then press L (or press ENTER, and then press L if it is the System partition) to confirm that you want to delete the partition. Repeat this process for each of the existing partitions that you want to use for the new partition. When all the partitions are deleted, select the resulting unpartitioned space and press C to create a new partition.
Note: If you want to create a partition where one or more partitions already exist, you must first delete the existing partition or partitions and then create the new partition.
7. Type the size (in megabytes, or MB) that you want to use for the new partition, and then press ENTER, or just press ENTER to create the partition using the maximum size.
8. If you want to create additional partitions, repeat steps 6 and 7.
9. If you want to install Windows XP, use the arrow keys to select the partition you want to install it on, and then press ENTER. If you do not want to format the partition and install Windows XP, press F3 two times to quit Setup, and then do not continue with the following steps. In this case, you must use another program to format the partition.
10. Select the format option that you want to use for the partition, and then press ENTER. The options are:
o Format the partition by using the NTFS file system (Quick)
o Format the partition by using the FAT file system (Quick)
o Format the partition by using the NTFS file system
o Format the partition by using the FAT file system
o Leave the current file system intact (no changes)
For most configurations, NTFS is a good choice for security and flexibility. If you plan to install a multiboot configuration and access data on the drive using older operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition, however, select FAT.
When you format a volume, files are removed from the volume and the hard disk is scanned for bad sectors. The majority of the time required to format a volume is devoted to scanning the disk. If you choose the Quick format option, files are removed from the partition, but the disk is not scanned for bad sectors. You should only use this option if your hard disk has been previously formatted and you are sure that your hard disk is not damaged.
Note: During Windows XP Setup, the option to leave the current file system intact is not available if the selected partition is a new partition. For partitions up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in size, Setup uses the FAT (also known as FAT16) file system. For partitions greater than 2 GB but less than 32 GB, Setup uses the FAT32 file system. For partitions greater than 32 GB, Setup uses NTFS.
Note: If you deleted and created a new System partition but you are installing Windows XP on another partition, you will be prompted to select a file system for both the System and Boot partitions at this point.
11. After Setup formats the partition, follow the on-screen instructions to continue Setup. After Setup is complete, you can use the Disk Management tools in Windows XP to create or format additional partitions.
Perform other Setup-related tasks
How do I install Windows from the command prompt?
If your computer will not boot from a CD, you can still use the Windows XP Setup floppy disks to start Setup. During Setup, you will be prompted to insert the Windows XP CD. For more information, see "Create boot disks."
Otherwise, you can use a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Startup disk to start the computer, and then run Winnt.exe from the i386 folder of your Windows XP CD.
1. The Smartdrv.exe tool will speed up the process of copying files from the CD to your hard drive. To use the Smartdrv.exe tool, make sure the Smartdrv.exe file is present on the startup disk.
If you do not have Smartdrv.exe, file copying will take much longer but it can still be done successfully. Verify that the following entries exist in the following files on your startup disk; add the entries if they do not already exist:
In Autoexec.bat, add this line:
In Config.sys, add this line:
Note: For information about modifying the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 232558.
2. Insert the startup disk into your computer's floppy drive, and restart the computer.
3. When the DOS prompt appears (it looks like this: C:>), type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each one. Substitute the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive for the letter D, if yours is different.
cd \i386
When Setup begins, follow the prompts on your screen.
How do I set the default operating system (when multiple systems are installed)?
If you have more than one operating system installed, you can select the operating system that you want to use as the default:
1. In Windows XP, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
3. Under System startup, in the Default operating system list, click the operating system that you want to start when you turn on or restart your computer.
4. Select the Time to display list of operating systems check box, and then select the number of seconds for which you want the list displayed before the default operating system starts.
Warning: The boot options file (Boot.ini) controls the number and order of operating systems on your computer. To manually edit this file, click Edit on the Startup and Recovery tab. Use caution when modifying the boot options file. Doing so incorrectly might make your computer unusable. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 289022.
How do I uninstall Windows XP?
If you need to uninstall Windows XP and return to the operating system from which you originally upgraded, follow these instructions.
Note: If you performed a new installation instead of upgrading, you cannot uninstall Windows XP. In this case, you need to perform a new installation of your previous operating system.
Important Notes:
• If enough space is available, the Windows XP uninstallation files are automatically saved during the upgrade process. If space is not available, the files are not saved. If the files were not saved, you cannot use the uninstallation process that is described in this section.
• Any programs that were installed prior to the Windows XP upgrade will be preserved. However, any programs that were installed after the Windows XP upgrade will not be available after you uninstall Windows XP. You might need to reinstall these programs.
• To be able to successfully uninstall Windows XP SP2, you must have upgraded from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition. If you upgraded from Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 95, you cannot uninstall Windows XP SP2.
• If you converted your hard disk to the NTFS file system, you cannot revert back to an operating system that is incompatible with NTFS (for example, you cannot revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition).
To uninstall Windows XP:
1. Restart your computer in Safe Mode. To do so, restart your computer and press F8 while Windows is starting.
2. Log on using the Administrator account.
3. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
4. In the list of installed programs, double-click Uninstall Windows XP.
Important: If Uninstall Windows XP is not in the list of installed programs, you must manually reinstall the original operating system. If this is the case, be sure to back up all of your critical data before you proceed.
If you have upgraded to Windows XP from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, it might be possible to manually uninstall Windows XP if the Undo folder is still available. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 312569.
5. When you receive the "Are you sure you want to uninstall Windows XP and restore your previous operating system?" message, click Yes to start the Windows XP uninstallation process.
6. After the Windows XP uninstallation process is finished, your computer will shut down and then restart using the previously installed operating system.
How do I remove Windows XP from one computer and install it on another?
Follow the instructions above for uninstalling Windows XP. Then, use the Windows XP CD to install Windows XP on the new computer.
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 303661 and read the topic about activation failures when moving Windows XP to another computer.
How do I deal with activation problems?
If you are prompted to activate your installation of Windows XP, defer activation until you have completed planned upgrades or changes to your computer's fixed hardware and related device drivers. Otherwise, you may need to reactivate after making such changes. Fixed hardware/drivers include the first instance of devices such as video, network (excluding modems), SCSI, hard drives, CD-ROM/DVD, and system memory. USB or other removable devices (such as cameras and printers) do not affect activation.
If you uninstall Windows XP from one computer (Computer A) and then install it on a second computer (Computer B), the following can occur:
• If fewer than 120 days have passed since the first installation of Windows XP on Computer A, you cannot activate Windows on Computer B over the Internet. Instead, when you are prompted to activate, you must call the phone number listed in the Activation Wizard, explain that you uninstalled and then reinstalled to a different computer, and be given a valid product key.
• If it has been more than 120 days since the first installation of Windows XP on Computer A, activation on Computer B should work normally.
For more information about troubleshooting activation problems, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 293764, 293764, 312295, 314935, and 318702.
Troubleshoot Setup
Did you run into problems during Setup? Unfortunately, it does sometimes happen. Some problems can be solved by using the information in this section.
Important: If you have virus protection software installed on your computer, disable it. Virus protection software can cause problems during setup. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
You can use the following troubleshooting steps if you have problems when you are upgrading to Windows XP from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition.
General troubleshooting
If you encounter problems while running Setup, exit Setup and run the Upgrade Advisor from the Windows XP CD. Here's how:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome menu appears, click Check system compatibility.
3. Then click Check my system automatically.
Upgrade Advisor will check for hardware and software incompatibilities. These are often the cause of Setup problems. Remove or uninstall the incompatible hardware or software, and then run Setup again.
If Upgrade Advisor does not find the problem, you can also clean boot your computer and run Setup again. Clean-boot troubleshooting is simply a way of removing variables that could cause problems.
To perform clean boot troubleshooting in Windows Millennium Edition:
1. Click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig and then click OK.
2. On the General tab, click Selective startup.
3. Clear all the check boxes under Selective startup.
4. On the Startup tab, select the *StateMgr check box (Windows Millennium Edition only), and then click OK.
5. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.
6. After the computer restarts, click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.
Important: Look closely at the General tab to make sure that the check boxes under Selective startup are clear. Proceed to the next step if none of the check boxes are selected. If you see a disabled or gray check box, your computer is not truly clean-booted and you might need assistance from the manufacturer of the program that is affecting Msconfig.
7. After you verify that your computer is clean-booted, try running Windows XP Setup again.
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 267288.
To return from a clean boot state
1. Click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.
2. On the General tab, click Normal startup, and then click OK.
3. Click Yes when you are prompted to restart your computer.
To perform clean boot troubleshooting in Windows 98:
For information about performing a clean boot for troubleshooting purposes in Windows 98, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 192926.
File copy error during Setup
Suppose Setup stops when copying files, and you see a message like this:
Setup cannot copy the file. Press X to retry, Y to abort.
Here are some possible causes and solutions for this problem:
• Your Windows XP CD is scratched, smudged, or dirty. Clean the CD with a soft cloth, insert it into the CD drive, and then click OK.
• Your CD drive is not working properly or the CD might be vibrating too much for the laser to accurately read the data. For more information about this problem, consult your hardware documentation, or contact the CD drive manufacturer.
• If you are using multiple CD drives, your computer might be trying to locate files on the wrong drive. If your hardware has a feature to disable CD drives that are not being used, disable the CD drives that you are not using.
Note: To disable a device in Windows 95, right-click My Computer, click Properties, open Device Manager, and then clear Original Configuration (Current). In Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition, select the Disable in this hardware profile check box in Device Manager.
If required, re-enable the device after upgrading to Windows XP. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 283658.
• There is a virus on your computer. Run a virus-scanning program to check your system and identify needed repairs.
Note: If you experience problems during installation, you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). This tool helps determine whether installation problems are caused by failing hardware, such as RAM or the memory system of the motherboard. To use the tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site.
For information about several more technical issues that might be causing the problem, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310064: How to Troubleshoot Windows XP Problems During Installation.
If you can rule out all of the causes listed above, and you continue to receive the error message, copy the i386 folder from the CD drive to your local hard disk, and then try to run Setup from your hard disk. Here's how:
1. The Smartdrv.exe tool will speed up the process of copying files from the CD to your hard drive. To use the Smartdrv.exe tool, make sure the Smartdrv.exe file is present on the startup disk.
If you don't have Smartdrv.exe, file copying will take much longer but it can still be done successfully. Verify that the following entries exist in the following files on your startup disk; add the entries if they do not already exist:
In Autoexec.bat, add this line:
In Config.sys, add this line:
Note: For information about modifying the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 232558.
2. Insert the startup disk into your computer's floppy drive, and restart the computer.
3. When the DOS prompt appears (it looks like this: C:>), type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each one. Substitute the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive for the letter D, if yours is different.
cd \i386
When Setup begins, follow the prompts on your screen.
Note: There is no option to boot to a command prompt on the initial startup menu in Windows Millennium Edition. However, you can boot to a startup floppy disk and then type C: and press ENTER to access the hard drive, as long as the startup disk uses the same file system as the hard disk.
Your computer hangs or stops responding and displays a black screen
When you try to upgrade to Windows XP, your computer might stop responding (hang) and a black screen might be displayed. This is usually caused by hardware or software that is incompatible with Windows XP.
Note: Before beginning Setup, you should compare your system's hardware to the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). You can also find information about each of your computer's devices (such as printers, scanners, and so on) at the device manufacturer's Web site, in the Windows Catalog:
Text version of the HCL (for all operating systems)
Text version of the HCL (for Windows XP only)
The Windows Catalog
You can get to all of the above from Windows Hardware and Driver Central (
If your computer stops responding and displays a black screen during Setup, follow these steps:
1. Wait at the black screen for 10 minutes to make sure that the computer does not continue with the Setup procedure. Watch the hard drive indicator to see if there is any disk activity. Setup might resolve the problem on its own.
2. Restart the computer to see if it stops again at the same place during Setup. Occasionally, Setup will proceed farther than the last time it stopped responding. If this occurs, restart your computer several times so that Setup will finish.
3. If steps 1 and 2 don't work, to revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, restart the computer and choose the option to Cancel Windows XP Setup. If canceling Windows XP Setup is not an option when you restart your computer, see step 5.
4. After you revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, uninstall all virus protection programs, uninstall all boot manager programs (such as GoBack), and then perform a clean boot of your computer.
5. If the upgrade fails again, there might be a hardware incompatibility issue. You can try to disable ACPI functionality. To do this, when your computer restarts, watch for an option to press F6 to install SCSI drivers. On this screen, press F7 (not F6).
6. If Setup continues to stop responding, disable any unnecessary hardware. Remove any USB devices, remove or disable network cards, sound cards, and serial cards, and then restart Setup.
7. If you continue to receive this error message, you might need to flash (update) the BIOS on the motherboard. Please refer to the manufacturer of your computer or to the motherboard Web site for information about how to flash the BIOS.
Warning: Do not attempt to flash the BIOS unless you are an advanced user. Doing this incorrectly can make your computer unusable.
8. If a BIOS update does not resolve the issue, or if you are unable to obtain an updated BIOS version for the computer, you might want to install Windows XP with a Standard PC Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). To do so, press F7 (not F6) when you are prompted to press F6 after Setup restarts the computer for the first time. For more information about how to force the Standard PC HAL, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 299340: How to Force a HAL During Windows XP Setup.
You receive an error message or Stop message during Setup
If you receive one of the following error messages during Setup, refer to the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
311562: 'An Unexpected Error (768) Occurred at Line 5118@ind:Xp\Client\Boot\Setup\Setup.c' Error Message During Windows XP Setup
311564: 'Stop 0x0000000A Irql_Not_Less_or_Equal' Error Message During Windows XP Upgrade
311442: Error Message: Setup Cannot Continue. Please Contact Microsoft Technical Support. (Error: 3E6h)
Troubleshooting other errors:
Note: If you experience problems during installation, you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). This tool helps determine whether installation problems are caused by failing hardware, such as RAM or the memory system of the motherboard. To use the tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site.
Problem Solution
A program or a device doesn't work after upgrading to Windows XP. First, try reinstalling the program or device. If that doesn't solve the problem, check with the manufacturer for a newer version of the software or hardware that is designed to work with Windows XP. If this is an older program, search Windows Help and Support for the word "compatibility" to see instructions for running the Program Compatibility Wizard.
Message: Incomplete file copy Refer to the file copy troubleshooting section in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310064.
Message: NTLDR is missing If you choose to update files at the beginning of Setup, this will be fixed automatically. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 322069. For troubleshooting this error, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314057.
Message: Error 127 or error code fffffdf0 in catroot2 folder Rename the Windows\System\Catroot2 folder and run Setup again. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 307153. This has been fixed in Dynamic Update 1.3. Run Setup again and download the updated Setup files when prompted.
Message: "File not found: ASMS" For troubleshooting tips, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 311755.
Setup hangs during "finalizing settings" phase. This error is usually caused by virus protection software. Cancel Setup, disable your virus protection software, and then start Setup again. (Or, if you choose to update files at the beginning of Setup, this will be fixed automatically.)
Create boot disks
A boot disk is a floppy disk or set of disks that lets you start the computer without using Windows. It can be useful to have this when doing certain types of troubleshooting and when performing a new installation of Windows.
You can download a program to create the six Windows XP Setup boot floppy disks that contain the files and drivers required to access the CD-ROM drive and begin the Setup process. To do this, go to Obtaining Windows XP Setup Boot Disks (
However, rather than creating boot disks, we recommend that you boot your computer from the Windows XP CD to start Setup. If your computer is not already able to do this (most newer computers are), refer to the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD" for more information. If your computer does not support booting from CD, you can download a file that will help you create boot disks. See the list at the end of this section for download locations.
Creating the Setup boot disks
1. When you download the Setup disks, the download contains only one large program file. When you run the downloaded file, it extracts the files to individual floppy disks. You receive the following prompt:
This program creates the Setup boot disks for Microsoft Windows XP.
To create these disks, you need to provide 6 blank, formatted, high-density disks.
Please specify the floppy drive to copy the images to.
2. Type the drive letter for the floppy disk drive (this is typically drive A). After you type the floppy disk drive letter, you see the following prompt:
Insert one of these disks into drive:. This disk will become the Windows XP Setup Boot Disk.
Press any key when you are ready.
3. When you press a key, the downloaded file starts extracting and copying the files. Continue inserting the blank disks as you are prompted to do so until all six disks are created. If the process is interrupted, you must run the downloaded program file again to create all six disks.
4. Label each disk with the number that is specified by the program. You must use the disks in the correct order during the Setup process.
5. After you create all six disks, insert the first disk in the floppy disk drive, and then restart the computer. Note that the computer must be configured to boot from the floppy disk drive. Most computers will do this automatically, but in some cases, you might need to modify your computer's BIOS settings to do this. For information about modifying your computer's BIOS settings, refer to the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD."
6. When you restart the computer, the Setup process begins. Insert each floppy disk as you are prompted to do so. You will then be prompted for the Windows XP CD to finish Setup.
Configure a computer to boot from CD
Some computers might automatically offer the option to boot from CD if they detect a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive. If so, when you start the computer with a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive, you'll see the message "Press any key to boot from CD." Otherwise, you can set your computer to boot from CD by using the setup program for your computer's BIOS (basic input/output system). Here's how:
• When you first start the computer, look for a short message telling you which key to press for setup. For example, some computers will have this message: Press DELETE to enter setup.
If your computer doesn't give you such a message, try pressing these commonly used keys during startup:
o F1
o F2
o F3, then F2
o F10
If graphics appear during startup, pressing ESC often makes the graphics disappear so that you can see the correct key for entering BIOS setup.
• When you see the message, quickly press the indicated key. You will enter a DOS-like program that consists of one or more screens. You probably won't be able to use the mouse while in this program. BIOS programs vary widely, but look for an option called "Boot order" or something similar.
• Set the boot order to boot from CD before booting from the hard drive.
Some newer laptop computers have a Windows-based utility for configuring the BIOS. If your computer won't boot from a CD, refer to the section titled "Other Setup-related tasks" for information about starting Setup from the command prompt.
Set up a multiboot system
You can install more than one operating system on your computer and choose which operating system you want to use every time you start your computer. This is called a dual-boot or multiboot configuration. This section explains how to set up Windows XP as a multiboot system with the following operating systems:
• Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows NT 3.51
• Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition
• MS-DOS or Windows 3.x
Before creating a multiboot configuration with Windows XP and another operating system, review the following precautions:
• Be sure to back up your current system and all data files.
• Each operating system must be installed on a separate volume. Microsoft does not support installing multiple operating systems on the same volume.
• If you have only one volume on your computer, you have to reformat and repartition your hard disk to contain multiple volumes before you begin creating a multiboot configuration, unless you are simply installing another copy of Windows XP.
• Do not install Windows XP on a compressed drive that was not compressed using the NTFS compression utility.
• Before installing Windows XP, you should disable antivirus software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
• You must use a different computer name for each operating system if the computer is on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP domain.
• The operating systems should be installed from oldest to newest. If possible, install operating systems in the following order:
o Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition
Note: You cannot install Windows Millennium Edition over any version of Windows NT, but they can exist together on a single system. It is recommended that you install each to a separate hard disk or partition. If Windows NT is already installed, Windows Millennium Edition Setup will add itself to the Windows NT boot menu to allow you to multiboot between Windows Millennium Edition and Windows NT. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 271240.
o Windows NT
o Windows 2000
o Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition)
Partitioning the hard disk and selecting file systems
A partition is a logical section of a hard disk. Each partition normally has its own file system. For more information about partitions, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 313348.
You might need to reformat and repartition your hard disk if:
1. You have only one volume but you want to set up a multiboot configuration. You have to install each operating system on a separate volume so that each installation can retain its own files and configuration information.
2. The boot volume is not formatted with the correct file system:
1. If you want to create a multiboot system by using Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition along with Microsoft Windows XP, you have to format the boot volume by using FAT because Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition do not support the NTFS file system.
2. If you want to install Windows 95 (retail version 4.00.950), your boot volume must be formatted as FAT. Windows 95 (OSR2.1 and above) can have a FAT32 boot volume and dual boot with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 258662.
3. If you want to create a multiboot system using Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition with Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you can format the boot volume by using FAT32.
Note: If you format a Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP volume with any file system other than NTFS, you will lose all NTFS-specific features. This includes Windows XP features such as file system security, Encrypting File System (EFS) settings, disk quotas, and remote storage. Likewise, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not recognize an NTFS partition; they will identify it as unknown. Therefore, if you format a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition partition as FAT, and a Windows XP partition as NTFS, any files on the NTFS partition will not be available or visible if you try to access them while running Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.
Supported file systems
The following table lists the supported file systems for Microsoft operating systems:
Operating system Supported file systems
Windows 3.1 FAT
Windows NT FAT, NTFS
Windows 95 FAT
Windows 95 OSR2 FAT, FAT32
Windows 98 FAT, FAT32
Windows Millennium Edition FAT, FAT32
Windows 2000 FAT, FAT32, NTFS
Windows XP (both Professional and Home Edition) FAT, FAT32, NTFS
To create a multiboot system with Windows XP and MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition
You cannot install two or more of the following in a multiboot configuration: Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition.
These combinations work:
• MS-DOS, Windows 95, and Windows XP
• MS-DOS, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows XP
This combination does not work:
• Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition
You should install Windows XP only after installing MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition. This will prevent these operating systems from overwriting the Windows XP boot sector and the Windows XP startup files.
Note: If you install the operating systems in the wrong order, you will need to use the Recovery Console or run Windows XP Setup again to get Windows XP back. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 307654.
To create a multiboot system with Windows XP and MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition:
1. Make sure that you have a separate partition or hard disk for each operating system you plan to install, and that each partition or hard disk is formatted with the correct file system.
2. Do one of the following:
o If you want a multiboot system with MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition along with Windows XP, first install MS-DOS; followed by Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition; and then install Windows XP.
o If you want a dual-boot system with only Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, install either Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, and then install Windows XP.
3. Install each operating system according to the standard installation procedure.
To create a multiboot system with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP
Using a multiboot system with both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP is not recommended as a long-term solution. The NTFS update in Service Pack 5 (SP5) for Windows NT 4.0 is provided only to help you evaluate and upgrade to Windows XP.
To create a multiboot system with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP:
1. Make sure that your hard disk is formatted with the correct file system: either FAT32 or NTFS.
2. Install Windows NT 4.0, download Windows NT Service Pack 5 from Microsoft, and install the service pack. Then install Windows XP to a separate volume.
3. Install each operating system according to the standard installation procedure.
Note: If you intend to install more than one operating system consisting of some combination of Windows NT 4.0 with either Windows 2000 or Windows XP as the only installed operating systems, you must make sure that you have installed Service Pack 5 or higher for Windows NT 4.0. You can download the latest Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack here: Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a (
Windows XP automatically upgrades any NTFS partitions that it finds on your system to the version of NTFS that is used in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. However, Windows NT 4.0 requires Service Pack 5 to read and write files on a volume that is formatted with the version of NTFS used in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Installing programs on more than one operating system
If you have more than one operating system, and you want certain programs or drivers to work on both systems, you must install those items on each system separately. For example, if you want to use Microsoft Word on a computer with both Windows 98 and Windows XP installed, you have to install Microsoft Word two times (once on Windows 98 and once on Windows XP).
You can install the program to the same path for different operating systems, as long as the target location uses a file system both operating systems can read.
Note: Windows 95 or Windows 98 might reconfigure hardware settings the first time you use them, which might cause configuration problems when you start Windows XP.
Specifying the default operating system for startup
If you have more than one operating system on your computer, you can set the operating system that you want to use as the default when you start your computer:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
2. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
3. Under System startup, in the Default operating system list, click the operating system that you want to start when you turn on your computer.
4. Select the Display list of operating systems for check box, and then type the number of seconds for which you want the list displayed before the default operating system starts.
Warning: The boot options file (Boot.ini) controls the number and order of operating systems on your computer. To manually edit this file, click Edit on the Startup and Recovery tab. Use caution when modifying the boot options file. Doing so incorrectly might render your computer unusable. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 289022.
Troubleshooting problems with multiboot systems
These additional troubleshooting ideas might help you resolve your issue without having to call technical support:
Errors with Internet Explorer:
• When you start Microsoft Internet Explorer, the browser might quit and you might receive an error message that is similar to the following:
iexplore caused an Invalid Page Fault in module kernel32.dll
This error might occur if you install multiple operating systems on a single volume. To resolve this issue, install each operating system on a separate volume.
You cannot configure your computer to start both Windows 95 and Windows 98 (or Windows Millennium Edition)
• You cannot configure a computer to multiboot Windows 95 and Windows 98 (or Windows Millennium Edition) because those platforms use the same boot file. Therefore, multibooting Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition at the same time is not supported.
The boot menu does not appear upon startup
• When you start your computer, the boot menu does not appear and you are unable to start Windows XP. This problem might occur if you install Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition after you install Windows XP. To resolve this issue, repair or reinstall Windows XP.
For more information about multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP, see Multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP (
Also, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 205287.
Repair or recover a system
You can repair or recover your system in several different ways. Instructions for each method are below. Try the methods in this order:
1. Revert to the "Last Known Good" configuration.
2. Start the computer in Safe Mode and try to fix the problem.
3. Use the Windows XP Recovery Console.
4. Use System Restore.
5. Use Automated System Recovery (works for Windows XP Professional only, not Windows XP Home Edition).
To use the Last Known Good configuration:
If Windows XP will not start, you can restore your system to the Last Known Good configuration – in other words, your most recent settings that worked. Here's how:
1. Start the computer and then press the F8 key when Windows begins to start. The Windows Advanced Options menu appears.
2. Use the arrow keys to select Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked), and then press ENTER.
3. If a boot menu appears, use the arrow keys to select Microsoft Windows XP, and then press ENTER. Windows XP restores the computer to the most recent restore point.
To use the Windows XP Recovery Console:
The Windows XP Recovery Console allows you to:
• Use, copy, rename, or replace operating system files and folders.
• Enable or disable service or device startup when you next start your computer.
• Repair the file system boot sector or the Master Boot Record (MBR).
• Create and format partitions on drives.
Here's how to use the Recovery Console:
• Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.
• On the menu that appears, click Install Windows XP.
• Press R to repair the selected Windows installation.
When you use the Recovery Console, you will be prompted to enter the Administrator account password. If you enter an incorrect password three times, the Recovery Console will close. If the database that contains user account information for your computer is missing or damaged, you will not be able to use the Recovery Console.
After you enter your password and the Recovery Console starts, type exit to restart the computer. The Recovery Console has some other limitations. For details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314058: Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console.
To use System Restore
The following section describes how to use the System Restore tool to return your computer to a previous working state. System Restore takes a "snapshot" of critical system files and some program files and stores this information as restore points. You can use these restore points to return Windows XP to a previous state.
To create a restore point
Creating a restore point is useful any time you anticipate making changes to your computer that are risky or that might make your computer unstable.
1. To access the System Restore Wizard, click Start, and then click Help and Support. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Using System Restore to undo changes, and then click Run the System Restore Wizard.
2. Click Create a restore point, and then click Next.
3. In the Restore point box, type a name to identify this restore point. System Restore automatically adds to this name the date and time that this restore point is created.
4. To finish creating this restore point, click Create.
Using System Restore to Restore Windows XP
If Windows XP will start, you can use System Restore to set your system back to an earlier, working point. Here's how:
1. Log on to Windows as Administrator.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.
3. On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.
4. On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system checkpoint in the On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next. A System Restore message might appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.
5. On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.
6. Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Restoration Complete page appears. Click OK.
To use Automated System Recovery:
We recommend that you regularly create backups as part of an overall plan for system recovery.
Note: Restoring from backup should be a last resort for system recovery. Use this method only after you have exhausted other options. For example, you should first try starting the computer in Safe Mode and reverting to the Last Known Good configuration. These steps are described earlier in this section.
Automated System Recovery (ASR) is a two-part system; it includes ASR backup and ASR restore. The ASR Wizard, located on the Start menu under Accessories\System Tools\Backup, does the backup portion. The wizard backs up the system state, system services, and all the disks that are associated with the operating system components. ASR also creates a file that contains information about the backup, the disk configurations (including basic and dynamic volumes), and how to perform a restore.
You can access the restore portion by pressing F2 when prompted in the text-mode portion of Setup. ASR reads the disk configurations from the file that it creates. It restores all the disk signatures, volumes, and partitions on the disks that you need to start the computer. ASR will try to restore all the disk configurations, but under some circumstances it might not be able to. ASR then installs a simple installation of Windows and automatically starts a restoration using the backup created by the ASR Wizard.
For more information about system recovery and repair, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
1. 818903: Automated System Recovery Overview in Windows XP
2. 322756: How to Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP
3. 306084: How to Restore the Operating System to a Previous State in Windows XP
4. 304449: How to Start the System Restore Tool from a Command Prompt in Windows XP
5. 302700: An Error Message Is Displayed When You Attempt to Use the Automated System Recovery Wizard in Windows XP Home Edition
Find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article
To find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, go to Microsoft Help and Support (, type the article number in the Search the Knowledge Base box, and then press ENTER.
Additional resources
Visit these Web sites for updates or late-breaking information about Windows XP.
• General information: Microsoft Windows XP Web site (
• Product updates and fixes online: Microsoft Windows Update (
• Products compatible with Windows XP: Microsoft Windows Catalog (
• Articles about product support issues: Microsoft Knowledge Base (
• Information about using a Tablet PC: Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Web Site (
• SP2 information for consumers: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Web site for consumers (
• SP2 information for IT professionals: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Web site for information technology professionals (
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Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, and Windows XP Professional are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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Tip: If possible, print this document before starting Setup. Some steps might require you to shut down the computer, and it will be helpful to have a printed copy of this information.
This document will help you to install Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition. This document also provides answers to other setup-related questions.
Click a link to go directly to that section:
Prepare for Setup
Upgrade to Windows XP
Perform a new installation of Windows XP
Transfer files and settings from another computer
Partition and format a hard drive
Perform other Setup-related tasks
Troubleshoot Setup
Create boot disks
Configure a computer to boot from CD
Set up a multiboot system
Repair or recover a system
Find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article
Additional resources
Installation overview
This release of Windows XP includes Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP. If you uninstall this release of Windows XP, SP2 is automatically uninstalled too. Your computer will be running the operating system that it was running before you installed Windows XP, or it will not be running an operating system. You cannot uninstall SP2 only.
• You can install Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 on computers that are running the following operating systems:
o Microsoft Windows 98
o Windows 98 Second Edition
o Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
o Windows Millennium Edition
o Windows 2000 Professional
o Windows XP Home Edition
o Windows XP Professional
• If you want to upgrade Microsoft Windows 95 to Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, you must first uninstall Windows 95, and then perform a new installation.
• If you are installing Windows XP on an older computer, it’s a good idea to check with your computer manufacturer to see whether a BIOS upgrade is available before you proceed.
Prepare for Setup
There are four important steps you should take before you start Setup:
1. Run an upgrade report – it only takes a few minutes to check system compatibility.
2. Disable virus protection software – if you do not do this, installation might fail.
3. Back up your files either by using the Backup Wizard that is built into Windows, or by using another backup program.
4. Decide which type of Setup you want – an upgrade or a new installation.
Doing these four steps before starting Setup can save you time in the long run.
Run an upgrade report
An upgrade report tells you how your hardware and software will work with Windows XP. The upgrade report is a quick and easy program that you can run using the Windows XP CD. Here's how:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome menu appears, click Check system compatibility.
3. Then click Check my system automatically.
You can also find information about your computer's devices (such as printers, scanners, and so on) at the device manufacturer's Web site, in the Windows Catalog, and on the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL):
Text version of the HCL (for all operating systems)
Text version of the HCL (for Windows XP only)
The Windows Catalog
You can get to all of the above from Windows Hardware and Driver Central (
What do you do if something is incompatible with Windows XP? You can upgrade either the hardware or software in question, find a similar but compatible program or device, or you can remove the program or device and stop using it. To upgrade, contact the manufacturer. To find compatible programs and devices, check the Windows Catalog ( To remove a program, go to Control Panel and open Add or Remove Programs.
Disable virus protection (antivirus) software
Virus protection software sometimes interferes with Setup, so make sure that you disable it before you begin installing Windows XP. For instructions about how to do this, refer to the documentation for your virus protection software.
After setting up Windows XP, remember to enable the virus protection program. In some cases you will need an updated version of the software, which you might be able to download from the software manufacturer's Web site.
Back up your files
Back up any files that you want to preserve, just in case something goes awry. Depending on how many files you have, you can copy them to a floppy disk, removable drive, or CD, or to a network folder if you have a network. You can copy the files directly or use the Backup Wizard included with most versions of Windows. This wizard is located in the Accessories\System Tools folder on the Start menu.
Note: You cannot restore a backup in Windows XP that you created by using the Msbackup tool in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition. For more information about this issue, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 305381, "Cannot Restore Backups That You Create in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me with the Windows XP NTBackup Tool."
Decide which type of Setup you want
There are basically three different types of Setup: an upgrade, a new installation (also known as a clean installation or a full installation), and a multiboot installation. Hint: we highly recommend the first one!
Upgrade. This is the easiest method of installing Windows XP. We recommend you use this method if you are running a previous version of Windows. When you upgrade, you replace the existing operating system with Windows XP, but your data and most user settings should not be affected. (It's always a good idea to back up your files before starting, just in case.)
You can upgrade from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT Workstation 4 (Service Pack 6), or Windows 2000 Professional.
Note: Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 292607 for supported upgrade paths. Also see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 316941 for an overview of the Windows XP Setup process.
Tip: To find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, go to Microsoft Help and Support (, type the article number in the Search the Knowledge Base box, and press ENTER.
New installation. Also known as a full installation or a clean installation, this method requires a little more work than an upgrade. A new installation can install Windows XP on another drive or partition without disturbing an existing installation, or you can choose to wipe out everything on your hard drive so that you "start from scratch." You should definitely back up your files before doing a new installation! As part of a new installation, you can also partition and format your hard drive. It's best to do this as part of Setup, rather than doing it in advance (as you might have done with previous versions of Windows). We'll get to that.
Multiboot installation. The hardest of all three, this method is a variation of the new installation process that lets you run more than one operating system on your computer. For example, you can have both Windows XP and Windows 98 installed. To switch from one to the other, you restart the computer and choose an operating system from a menu that appears when the computer starts. Sounds cool, but don't attempt this unless you are an advanced computer user.
Upgrade to Windows XP
Note: Before installing Windows XP, you should disable your virus protection (antivirus) software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
When you upgrade to Windows XP, you install Windows to the same folder where your current version of Windows is located, updating the earlier version. Here's how:
1. Start your computer. Also, make sure you have your product key handy.
2. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
3. On the menu that appears, click Install Windows XP.
4. On the Welcome to Windows Setup page, click Upgrade (recommended) (if it is not already selected), and then click Next. (You should click Next on each screen from here on.)
5. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement, and follow the instructions to accept or reject the agreement.
6. On the Your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key in the appropriate boxes.
7. On the Get Updated Setup Files page, select the option that you want. Hint: It's a really good idea to select Yes and get the updated files, but you can only do this if you're able to connect to the Internet.
Note: Some of the problems addressed in the troubleshooting section of this document are prevented by getting the updated Setup files.
8. During this phase of Setup, the computer will restart several times, and you'll see screens telling you about new features in Windows XP. This part of Setup takes a while. It's a good time to go have a cup of coffee or take a break.
9. Finally, the computer restarts one last time and Windows XP starts.
Do not forget to enable your virus protection software after Setup is finished.
Perform a new installation of Windows XP
If your computer does not have an operating system currently installed or you have decided to install Windows from scratch, you can perform what is known as a new installation (also known as a clean installation, or a full installation). This process is more complicated and takes longer than an upgrade (about 20 steps as opposed to 9 for an upgrade). To perform an upgrade, refer to the section titled "Upgrade to Windows XP."
Note: Before installing Windows XP, you should disable you virus protection (antivirus) software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
CAUTION: You can choose to delete everything that currently exists on the hard drive during a new installation, so be sure to back up any data you want to keep before you begin (make sure that the backup data is not stored on the drive you are going to delete).
Here's how to perform a new installation of Windows XP:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Note: Make sure the computer can boot from a CD. If it can't, then follow the procedures in the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD" or see the "How do I install Windows from the command prompt?" section under "Perform other Setup-related tasks."
2. Restart the computer.
3. When the message to Press any key to boot from CD… is displayed, quickly press any key (for example, the SPACEBAR). Setup begins.
Note: Pay close attention here, because it's very easy to miss this message. If your current operating system starts, you'll know that you missed the opportunity to boot from CD. Restart your computer and try again.
4. After Setup starts, several messages will flash across the bottom of the screen. These messages are only important under special circumstances, such as installing a particular hardware access layer (HAL), or loading a small computer system interface (SCSI) driver. Most people can ignore them. For more information about this subject, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 295116 and 220845.
5. Next, a screen appears that offers the following three options: Set up Windows XP, Repair a Windows XP installation, or Quit Setup. Press ENTER to select the first option.
6. The End User License Agreement appears next. Read the license agreement and follow the instructions to accept or reject the agreement. If your Windows CD is an upgrade CD, after accepting the agreement, you will be prompted to insert the CD of your previous operating system to verify that the previous version qualifies for upgrade to Windows XP.
Important! If you use a recovery CD from an original equipment manufacturer (also called an OEM), it is possible that the CD will not be accepted. If you delete the partition information or format the drive and the OEM recovery CD is not accepted as valid media, you must use the OEM recovery CD to restore your previous version of Windows. For details about restoring your system using the OEM recovery media, please contact your computer manufacturer.
7. If a screen appears showing an existing installation of Windows XP, press ESC to continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP.
8. At the next screen, you have the option of repartitioning your drive. It's a good idea to repartition if you want to merge several smaller partitions into one large one, or if you want to create several smaller partitions so that you can set up a multiboot configuration. If you want to repartition, follow the instructions to delete existing partitions, if needed, and then select unpartitioned space and press ENTER to proceed.
CAUTION: Deleting a partition will remove all data stored on that partition. Before you continue, make sure you have backed up everything you want to keep.
9. Select the formatting method you would like to use, and then press ENTER. NTFS offers both enhanced formatting capabilities and security technologies. If you need to access drives or DOS files (such as from a DOS-based boot disk) using Windows Millennium Edition or earlier versions of Windows, you might need to select FAT32 instead. Select either format method (quick or slow).
10. Setup will format the drive, copy initial Setup files, and restart the computer.
Note: After the computer restarts, you will again receive the message Press any key to boot from CD but you should ignore it so that you do not interrupt the current installation process.
11. After another restart, the next part of Setup will begin.
12. On the Regional and Language Options page, follow the instructions to add language support or change language settings, if desired.
13. On the Personalize Your Software page, type your name and the name of your company or organization (if applicable).
14. On the Your Product Key page, type the 25-character product key that came with your copy of Windows XP.
15. On the Computer Name and Administrator Password page, make up a computer name (if your network administrator gave you a name to use, type that). Then make up a password for the Administrator account on your computer. Type it once, and then confirm it by typing it again.
Important: Be sure to remember the Administrator password. You'll need this password when you want to make changes to your system in the future.
16. On the Date and Time Settings page, make any changes that are necessary.
17. On the Networking Settings page, if it appears, select Typical settings (unless you plan to manually configure your networking components).
18. On the Workgroup or Computer Domain page, click Next. If you want to add your computer to a domain, select the second option and fill in the domain name. (If you do this, you will be prompted for a user name and password.)
Note: Connecting to a domain is only possible in Windows XP Professional, not in Windows XP Home Edition.
19. Next, while Setup copies files to your computer and completes a few other tasks, you'll see a series of screens that tell you about new features in Windows XP.
20. Finally, your computer will restart. Again, ignore the message to press any key. After Setup completes, eject the CD from the CD-ROM drive.
Do not forget to enable your virus protection software after Setup is finished.
Transfer files and settings from another computer
Did you ever wish that you could easily transfer your files and settings from an old computer to a new one? The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard available in Windows XP can assist you in doing this. This wizard helps take the pain out of upgrading to a new computer.
Here's how to use this wizard:
On your new computer:
1. Click Start, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
2. On the Welcome page of the wizard, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select New computer.
4. On the Do you have a Windows XP CD? page, select I will use the wizard from the Windows XP CD, unless you don't have a Windows XP CD. If that is the case, you will need to make a Wizard Disk so that you can run the wizard on your old computer. Select the first option and follow the instructions to make the Wizard Disk.
5. Now go to your old computer (or the computer that you're transferring files and settings from).
On your old computer:
1. If you don't have a Windows XP CD, insert the Wizard Disk that you created into the floppy drive. Click Start, click Run, and then click Browse. Browse to your floppy drive and then double-click the MigWiz.exe file. In the Run dialog box, click OK.
If you do have a Windows XP CD, insert it into the CD-ROM drive of the computer you want to copy files and settings from and wait for the startup menu to appear. If the menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, and then click Browse. Browse to your CD-ROM drive and then double-click the Setup.exe file. In the Run dialog box, click OK. Click Perform additional tasks, and then click Transfer files and settings.
2. On the Welcome page of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select Old computer.
4. On the Select a transfer method page, choose a method that will work for both computers. For example, you can place the files and settings on a network drive that both computers have access to, or you can use a removable drive. Whatever method you choose, both computers must be able to use it.
5. On the What do you want to transfer? page, select one of the three options. Depending on the type of transfer method you choose, some options are better than others here. For instance, if you plan to transfer more than just a few files and settings, choose a method other than floppy disks (since those have the lowest storage capacity). If you decide to change your transfer method, you can always click Back.
On this page, you can also select a check box that lets you choose a custom list of files and settings to be transferred. This option is for advanced users.
6. At this point, you might see a message telling you to install certain programs on your new computer before continuing. This step is not required, but those programs might not work correctly without doing this.
7. The wizard now collects the files and settings you requested and prepares to transfer them to the new computer. Insert a disk or removable drive when prompted, if you are using one of those methods.
8. On the Completing the Collection Phase page, click Finish. Then go to your new computer, taking along any disk or CD you have used.
On your new computer:
1. Click Start, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
2. On the Welcome page, click Next.
3. On the Which computer is this? page, select New computer.
4. If you placed your files and settings on a disk or CD, insert it now. On the Where are the files and settings? page, tell the wizard where to find the files and settings. The wizard transfers the files and settings to the new computer.
5. On the Completing the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard page, read any messages about the status of your transfer, and then click Finish.
6. You might see a message telling you that you need to log off before the new settings will appear on your new computer. You can just log off and log back on. There is no need to restart the computer.
That's it! The transferred files and settings should now be on your new computer.
Partition and format a hard drive
If there are no partitions on your hard drive, you will need to create a partition and format it. Alternatively, it's a good idea to repartition your hard drive if you want to merge several smaller partitions into one large one, or if you want to create several smaller partitions so that you can set up a multiboot configuration.
If you want to partition or format your hard drive, we recommend that you use the disk partitioning and formatting tools that are built into Windows XP Setup. These tools allow you to delete existing partitions and to create one or more new partitions.
IMPORTANT: If you follow these steps on a hard disk that is not empty, all of the data stored on that hard disk will be permanently deleted.
To use the disk partitioning and formatting tools in Windows XP Setup:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD/DVD drive (or insert the first Windows XP Setup boot disk into the floppy disk drive), and then restart the computer.
Note: To start your computer from the Windows XP CD (or from the Setup boot disk), your computer must be configured to start from the CD/DVD drive (or the floppy disk drive). In some cases, you might have to modify your computer's BIOS settings to do this. For more information, see "Configure a computer to boot from CD."
2. If you are starting the computer from the Windows XP CD, press a key to boot from CD when you are prompted to do so. If you are starting from the Windows XP Setup boot disks, insert each of the additional disks when prompted, and then press ENTER to continue after inserting each disk.
3. At the Welcome to Setup page, press ENTER to continue.
4. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement, and then follow the instructions for accepting or rejecting the agreement.
5. If an existing Windows XP installation is detected, you will be prompted to repair it. Press ESC (do not repair).
6. All existing partitions and unpartitioned spaces are listed for each physical hard disk. Use the arrow keys to select the partition or unpartitioned space where you want to create a new partition, and then press D to delete an existing partition or press C to create a new partition using unpartitioned space.
If you press D to delete an existing partition, you must then press L (or press ENTER, and then press L if it is the System partition) to confirm that you want to delete the partition. Repeat this process for each of the existing partitions that you want to use for the new partition. When all the partitions are deleted, select the resulting unpartitioned space and press C to create a new partition.
Note: If you want to create a partition where one or more partitions already exist, you must first delete the existing partition or partitions and then create the new partition.
7. Type the size (in megabytes, or MB) that you want to use for the new partition, and then press ENTER, or just press ENTER to create the partition using the maximum size.
8. If you want to create additional partitions, repeat steps 6 and 7.
9. If you want to install Windows XP, use the arrow keys to select the partition you want to install it on, and then press ENTER. If you do not want to format the partition and install Windows XP, press F3 two times to quit Setup, and then do not continue with the following steps. In this case, you must use another program to format the partition.
10. Select the format option that you want to use for the partition, and then press ENTER. The options are:
o Format the partition by using the NTFS file system (Quick)
o Format the partition by using the FAT file system (Quick)
o Format the partition by using the NTFS file system
o Format the partition by using the FAT file system
o Leave the current file system intact (no changes)
For most configurations, NTFS is a good choice for security and flexibility. If you plan to install a multiboot configuration and access data on the drive using older operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition, however, select FAT.
When you format a volume, files are removed from the volume and the hard disk is scanned for bad sectors. The majority of the time required to format a volume is devoted to scanning the disk. If you choose the Quick format option, files are removed from the partition, but the disk is not scanned for bad sectors. You should only use this option if your hard disk has been previously formatted and you are sure that your hard disk is not damaged.
Note: During Windows XP Setup, the option to leave the current file system intact is not available if the selected partition is a new partition. For partitions up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in size, Setup uses the FAT (also known as FAT16) file system. For partitions greater than 2 GB but less than 32 GB, Setup uses the FAT32 file system. For partitions greater than 32 GB, Setup uses NTFS.
Note: If you deleted and created a new System partition but you are installing Windows XP on another partition, you will be prompted to select a file system for both the System and Boot partitions at this point.
11. After Setup formats the partition, follow the on-screen instructions to continue Setup. After Setup is complete, you can use the Disk Management tools in Windows XP to create or format additional partitions.
Perform other Setup-related tasks
How do I install Windows from the command prompt?
If your computer will not boot from a CD, you can still use the Windows XP Setup floppy disks to start Setup. During Setup, you will be prompted to insert the Windows XP CD. For more information, see "Create boot disks."
Otherwise, you can use a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Startup disk to start the computer, and then run Winnt.exe from the i386 folder of your Windows XP CD.
1. The Smartdrv.exe tool will speed up the process of copying files from the CD to your hard drive. To use the Smartdrv.exe tool, make sure the Smartdrv.exe file is present on the startup disk.
If you do not have Smartdrv.exe, file copying will take much longer but it can still be done successfully. Verify that the following entries exist in the following files on your startup disk; add the entries if they do not already exist:
In Autoexec.bat, add this line:
In Config.sys, add this line:
Note: For information about modifying the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 232558.
2. Insert the startup disk into your computer's floppy drive, and restart the computer.
3. When the DOS prompt appears (it looks like this: C:>), type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each one. Substitute the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive for the letter D, if yours is different.
cd \i386
When Setup begins, follow the prompts on your screen.
How do I set the default operating system (when multiple systems are installed)?
If you have more than one operating system installed, you can select the operating system that you want to use as the default:
1. In Windows XP, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
3. Under System startup, in the Default operating system list, click the operating system that you want to start when you turn on or restart your computer.
4. Select the Time to display list of operating systems check box, and then select the number of seconds for which you want the list displayed before the default operating system starts.
Warning: The boot options file (Boot.ini) controls the number and order of operating systems on your computer. To manually edit this file, click Edit on the Startup and Recovery tab. Use caution when modifying the boot options file. Doing so incorrectly might make your computer unusable. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 289022.
How do I uninstall Windows XP?
If you need to uninstall Windows XP and return to the operating system from which you originally upgraded, follow these instructions.
Note: If you performed a new installation instead of upgrading, you cannot uninstall Windows XP. In this case, you need to perform a new installation of your previous operating system.
Important Notes:
• If enough space is available, the Windows XP uninstallation files are automatically saved during the upgrade process. If space is not available, the files are not saved. If the files were not saved, you cannot use the uninstallation process that is described in this section.
• Any programs that were installed prior to the Windows XP upgrade will be preserved. However, any programs that were installed after the Windows XP upgrade will not be available after you uninstall Windows XP. You might need to reinstall these programs.
• To be able to successfully uninstall Windows XP SP2, you must have upgraded from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition. If you upgraded from Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 95, you cannot uninstall Windows XP SP2.
• If you converted your hard disk to the NTFS file system, you cannot revert back to an operating system that is incompatible with NTFS (for example, you cannot revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition).
To uninstall Windows XP:
1. Restart your computer in Safe Mode. To do so, restart your computer and press F8 while Windows is starting.
2. Log on using the Administrator account.
3. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
4. In the list of installed programs, double-click Uninstall Windows XP.
Important: If Uninstall Windows XP is not in the list of installed programs, you must manually reinstall the original operating system. If this is the case, be sure to back up all of your critical data before you proceed.
If you have upgraded to Windows XP from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, it might be possible to manually uninstall Windows XP if the Undo folder is still available. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 312569.
5. When you receive the "Are you sure you want to uninstall Windows XP and restore your previous operating system?" message, click Yes to start the Windows XP uninstallation process.
6. After the Windows XP uninstallation process is finished, your computer will shut down and then restart using the previously installed operating system.
How do I remove Windows XP from one computer and install it on another?
Follow the instructions above for uninstalling Windows XP. Then, use the Windows XP CD to install Windows XP on the new computer.
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 303661 and read the topic about activation failures when moving Windows XP to another computer.
How do I deal with activation problems?
If you are prompted to activate your installation of Windows XP, defer activation until you have completed planned upgrades or changes to your computer's fixed hardware and related device drivers. Otherwise, you may need to reactivate after making such changes. Fixed hardware/drivers include the first instance of devices such as video, network (excluding modems), SCSI, hard drives, CD-ROM/DVD, and system memory. USB or other removable devices (such as cameras and printers) do not affect activation.
If you uninstall Windows XP from one computer (Computer A) and then install it on a second computer (Computer B), the following can occur:
• If fewer than 120 days have passed since the first installation of Windows XP on Computer A, you cannot activate Windows on Computer B over the Internet. Instead, when you are prompted to activate, you must call the phone number listed in the Activation Wizard, explain that you uninstalled and then reinstalled to a different computer, and be given a valid product key.
• If it has been more than 120 days since the first installation of Windows XP on Computer A, activation on Computer B should work normally.
For more information about troubleshooting activation problems, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 293764, 293764, 312295, 314935, and 318702.
Troubleshoot Setup
Did you run into problems during Setup? Unfortunately, it does sometimes happen. Some problems can be solved by using the information in this section.
Important: If you have virus protection software installed on your computer, disable it. Virus protection software can cause problems during setup. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
You can use the following troubleshooting steps if you have problems when you are upgrading to Windows XP from Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition.
General troubleshooting
If you encounter problems while running Setup, exit Setup and run the Upgrade Advisor from the Windows XP CD. Here's how:
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome menu appears, click Check system compatibility.
3. Then click Check my system automatically.
Upgrade Advisor will check for hardware and software incompatibilities. These are often the cause of Setup problems. Remove or uninstall the incompatible hardware or software, and then run Setup again.
If Upgrade Advisor does not find the problem, you can also clean boot your computer and run Setup again. Clean-boot troubleshooting is simply a way of removing variables that could cause problems.
To perform clean boot troubleshooting in Windows Millennium Edition:
1. Click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig and then click OK.
2. On the General tab, click Selective startup.
3. Clear all the check boxes under Selective startup.
4. On the Startup tab, select the *StateMgr check box (Windows Millennium Edition only), and then click OK.
5. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.
6. After the computer restarts, click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.
Important: Look closely at the General tab to make sure that the check boxes under Selective startup are clear. Proceed to the next step if none of the check boxes are selected. If you see a disabled or gray check box, your computer is not truly clean-booted and you might need assistance from the manufacturer of the program that is affecting Msconfig.
7. After you verify that your computer is clean-booted, try running Windows XP Setup again.
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 267288.
To return from a clean boot state
1. Click Start, click Run, in the Open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.
2. On the General tab, click Normal startup, and then click OK.
3. Click Yes when you are prompted to restart your computer.
To perform clean boot troubleshooting in Windows 98:
For information about performing a clean boot for troubleshooting purposes in Windows 98, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 192926.
File copy error during Setup
Suppose Setup stops when copying files, and you see a message like this:
Setup cannot copy the file
Here are some possible causes and solutions for this problem:
• Your Windows XP CD is scratched, smudged, or dirty. Clean the CD with a soft cloth, insert it into the CD drive, and then click OK.
• Your CD drive is not working properly or the CD might be vibrating too much for the laser to accurately read the data. For more information about this problem, consult your hardware documentation, or contact the CD drive manufacturer.
• If you are using multiple CD drives, your computer might be trying to locate files on the wrong drive. If your hardware has a feature to disable CD drives that are not being used, disable the CD drives that you are not using.
Note: To disable a device in Windows 95, right-click My Computer, click Properties, open Device Manager, and then clear Original Configuration (Current). In Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition, select the Disable in this hardware profile check box in Device Manager.
If required, re-enable the device after upgrading to Windows XP. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 283658.
• There is a virus on your computer. Run a virus-scanning program to check your system and identify needed repairs.
Note: If you experience problems during installation, you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). This tool helps determine whether installation problems are caused by failing hardware, such as RAM or the memory system of the motherboard. To use the tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site.
For information about several more technical issues that might be causing the problem, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310064: How to Troubleshoot Windows XP Problems During Installation.
If you can rule out all of the causes listed above, and you continue to receive the error message, copy the i386 folder from the CD drive to your local hard disk, and then try to run Setup from your hard disk. Here's how:
1. The Smartdrv.exe tool will speed up the process of copying files from the CD to your hard drive. To use the Smartdrv.exe tool, make sure the Smartdrv.exe file is present on the startup disk.
If you don't have Smartdrv.exe, file copying will take much longer but it can still be done successfully. Verify that the following entries exist in the following files on your startup disk; add the entries if they do not already exist:
In Autoexec.bat, add this line:
In Config.sys, add this line:
Note: For information about modifying the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 232558.
2. Insert the startup disk into your computer's floppy drive, and restart the computer.
3. When the DOS prompt appears (it looks like this: C:>), type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each one. Substitute the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive for the letter D, if yours is different.
cd \i386
When Setup begins, follow the prompts on your screen.
Note: There is no option to boot to a command prompt on the initial startup menu in Windows Millennium Edition. However, you can boot to a startup floppy disk and then type C: and press ENTER to access the hard drive, as long as the startup disk uses the same file system as the hard disk.
Your computer hangs or stops responding and displays a black screen
When you try to upgrade to Windows XP, your computer might stop responding (hang) and a black screen might be displayed. This is usually caused by hardware or software that is incompatible with Windows XP.
Note: Before beginning Setup, you should compare your system's hardware to the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). You can also find information about each of your computer's devices (such as printers, scanners, and so on) at the device manufacturer's Web site, in the Windows Catalog:
Text version of the HCL (for all operating systems)
Text version of the HCL (for Windows XP only)
The Windows Catalog
You can get to all of the above from Windows Hardware and Driver Central (
If your computer stops responding and displays a black screen during Setup, follow these steps:
1. Wait at the black screen for 10 minutes to make sure that the computer does not continue with the Setup procedure. Watch the hard drive indicator to see if there is any disk activity. Setup might resolve the problem on its own.
2. Restart the computer to see if it stops again at the same place during Setup. Occasionally, Setup will proceed farther than the last time it stopped responding. If this occurs, restart your computer several times so that Setup will finish.
3. If steps 1 and 2 don't work, to revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, restart the computer and choose the option to Cancel Windows XP Setup. If canceling Windows XP Setup is not an option when you restart your computer, see step 5.
4. After you revert back to Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, uninstall all virus protection programs, uninstall all boot manager programs (such as GoBack), and then perform a clean boot of your computer.
5. If the upgrade fails again, there might be a hardware incompatibility issue. You can try to disable ACPI functionality. To do this, when your computer restarts, watch for an option to press F6 to install SCSI drivers. On this screen, press F7 (not F6).
6. If Setup continues to stop responding, disable any unnecessary hardware. Remove any USB devices, remove or disable network cards, sound cards, and serial cards, and then restart Setup.
7. If you continue to receive this error message, you might need to flash (update) the BIOS on the motherboard. Please refer to the manufacturer of your computer or to the motherboard Web site for information about how to flash the BIOS.
Warning: Do not attempt to flash the BIOS unless you are an advanced user. Doing this incorrectly can make your computer unusable.
8. If a BIOS update does not resolve the issue, or if you are unable to obtain an updated BIOS version for the computer, you might want to install Windows XP with a Standard PC Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). To do so, press F7 (not F6) when you are prompted to press F6 after Setup restarts the computer for the first time. For more information about how to force the Standard PC HAL, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 299340: How to Force a HAL During Windows XP Setup.
You receive an error message or Stop message during Setup
If you receive one of the following error messages during Setup, refer to the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
311562: 'An Unexpected Error (768) Occurred at Line 5118@ind:Xp\Client\Boot\Setup\Setup.c' Error Message During Windows XP Setup
311564: 'Stop 0x0000000A Irql_Not_Less_or_Equal' Error Message During Windows XP Upgrade
311442: Error Message: Setup Cannot Continue. Please Contact Microsoft Technical Support. (Error: 3E6h)
Troubleshooting other errors:
Note: If you experience problems during installation, you can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). This tool helps determine whether installation problems are caused by failing hardware, such as RAM or the memory system of the motherboard. To use the tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site.
Problem Solution
A program or a device doesn't work after upgrading to Windows XP. First, try reinstalling the program or device. If that doesn't solve the problem, check with the manufacturer for a newer version of the software or hardware that is designed to work with Windows XP. If this is an older program, search Windows Help and Support for the word "compatibility" to see instructions for running the Program Compatibility Wizard.
Message: Incomplete file copy Refer to the file copy troubleshooting section in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 310064.
Message: NTLDR is missing If you choose to update files at the beginning of Setup, this will be fixed automatically. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 322069. For troubleshooting this error, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314057.
Message: Error 127 or error code fffffdf0 in catroot2 folder Rename the Windows\System\Catroot2 folder and run Setup again. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 307153. This has been fixed in Dynamic Update 1.3. Run Setup again and download the updated Setup files when prompted.
Message: "File not found: ASMS" For troubleshooting tips, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 311755.
Setup hangs during "finalizing settings" phase. This error is usually caused by virus protection software. Cancel Setup, disable your virus protection software, and then start Setup again. (Or, if you choose to update files at the beginning of Setup, this will be fixed automatically.)
Create boot disks
A boot disk is a floppy disk or set of disks that lets you start the computer without using Windows. It can be useful to have this when doing certain types of troubleshooting and when performing a new installation of Windows.
You can download a program to create the six Windows XP Setup boot floppy disks that contain the files and drivers required to access the CD-ROM drive and begin the Setup process. To do this, go to Obtaining Windows XP Setup Boot Disks (
However, rather than creating boot disks, we recommend that you boot your computer from the Windows XP CD to start Setup. If your computer is not already able to do this (most newer computers are), refer to the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD" for more information. If your computer does not support booting from CD, you can download a file that will help you create boot disks. See the list at the end of this section for download locations.
Creating the Setup boot disks
1. When you download the Setup disks, the download contains only one large program file. When you run the downloaded file, it extracts the files to individual floppy disks. You receive the following prompt:
This program creates the Setup boot disks for Microsoft Windows XP.
To create these disks, you need to provide 6 blank, formatted, high-density disks.
Please specify the floppy drive to copy the images to.
2. Type the drive letter for the floppy disk drive (this is typically drive A). After you type the floppy disk drive letter, you see the following prompt:
Insert one of these disks into drive
Press any key when you are ready.
3. When you press a key, the downloaded file starts extracting and copying the files. Continue inserting the blank disks as you are prompted to do so until all six disks are created. If the process is interrupted, you must run the downloaded program file again to create all six disks.
4. Label each disk with the number that is specified by the program. You must use the disks in the correct order during the Setup process.
5. After you create all six disks, insert the first disk in the floppy disk drive, and then restart the computer. Note that the computer must be configured to boot from the floppy disk drive. Most computers will do this automatically, but in some cases, you might need to modify your computer's BIOS settings to do this. For information about modifying your computer's BIOS settings, refer to the section titled "Configure a computer to boot from CD."
6. When you restart the computer, the Setup process begins. Insert each floppy disk as you are prompted to do so. You will then be prompted for the Windows XP CD to finish Setup.
Configure a computer to boot from CD
Some computers might automatically offer the option to boot from CD if they detect a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive. If so, when you start the computer with a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive, you'll see the message "Press any key to boot from CD." Otherwise, you can set your computer to boot from CD by using the setup program for your computer's BIOS (basic input/output system). Here's how:
• When you first start the computer, look for a short message telling you which key to press for setup. For example, some computers will have this message: Press DELETE to enter setup.
If your computer doesn't give you such a message, try pressing these commonly used keys during startup:
o F1
o F2
o F3, then F2
o F10
If graphics appear during startup, pressing ESC often makes the graphics disappear so that you can see the correct key for entering BIOS setup.
• When you see the message, quickly press the indicated key. You will enter a DOS-like program that consists of one or more screens. You probably won't be able to use the mouse while in this program. BIOS programs vary widely, but look for an option called "Boot order" or something similar.
• Set the boot order to boot from CD before booting from the hard drive.
Some newer laptop computers have a Windows-based utility for configuring the BIOS. If your computer won't boot from a CD, refer to the section titled "Other Setup-related tasks" for information about starting Setup from the command prompt.
Set up a multiboot system
You can install more than one operating system on your computer and choose which operating system you want to use every time you start your computer. This is called a dual-boot or multiboot configuration. This section explains how to set up Windows XP as a multiboot system with the following operating systems:
• Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows NT 3.51
• Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition
• MS-DOS or Windows 3.x
Before creating a multiboot configuration with Windows XP and another operating system, review the following precautions:
• Be sure to back up your current system and all data files.
• Each operating system must be installed on a separate volume. Microsoft does not support installing multiple operating systems on the same volume.
• If you have only one volume on your computer, you have to reformat and repartition your hard disk to contain multiple volumes before you begin creating a multiboot configuration, unless you are simply installing another copy of Windows XP.
• Do not install Windows XP on a compressed drive that was not compressed using the NTFS compression utility.
• Before installing Windows XP, you should disable antivirus software, and you might want to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to test your computer's random access memory (RAM). To use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, follow the instructions on the Windows Memory Diagnostic ( Web site. Be sure to enable your virus protection software after installing Windows XP.
• You must use a different computer name for each operating system if the computer is on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP domain.
• The operating systems should be installed from oldest to newest. If possible, install operating systems in the following order:
o Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition
Note: You cannot install Windows Millennium Edition over any version of Windows NT, but they can exist together on a single system. It is recommended that you install each to a separate hard disk or partition. If Windows NT is already installed, Windows Millennium Edition Setup will add itself to the Windows NT boot menu to allow you to multiboot between Windows Millennium Edition and Windows NT. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 271240.
o Windows NT
o Windows 2000
o Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition)
Partitioning the hard disk and selecting file systems
A partition is a logical section of a hard disk. Each partition normally has its own file system. For more information about partitions, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 313348.
You might need to reformat and repartition your hard disk if:
1. You have only one volume but you want to set up a multiboot configuration. You have to install each operating system on a separate volume so that each installation can retain its own files and configuration information.
2. The boot volume is not formatted with the correct file system:
1. If you want to create a multiboot system by using Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition along with Microsoft Windows XP, you have to format the boot volume by using FAT because Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition do not support the NTFS file system.
2. If you want to install Windows 95 (retail version 4.00.950), your boot volume must be formatted as FAT. Windows 95 (OSR2.1 and above) can have a FAT32 boot volume and dual boot with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 258662.
3. If you want to create a multiboot system using Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition with Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you can format the boot volume by using FAT32.
Note: If you format a Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP volume with any file system other than NTFS, you will lose all NTFS-specific features. This includes Windows XP features such as file system security, Encrypting File System (EFS) settings, disk quotas, and remote storage. Likewise, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition do not recognize an NTFS partition; they will identify it as unknown. Therefore, if you format a Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition partition as FAT, and a Windows XP partition as NTFS, any files on the NTFS partition will not be available or visible if you try to access them while running Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.
Supported file systems
The following table lists the supported file systems for Microsoft operating systems:
Operating system Supported file systems
Windows 3.1 FAT
Windows NT FAT, NTFS
Windows 95 FAT
Windows 95 OSR2 FAT, FAT32
Windows 98 FAT, FAT32
Windows Millennium Edition FAT, FAT32
Windows 2000 FAT, FAT32, NTFS
Windows XP (both Professional and Home Edition) FAT, FAT32, NTFS
To create a multiboot system with Windows XP and MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition
You cannot install two or more of the following in a multiboot configuration: Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition.
These combinations work:
• MS-DOS, Windows 95, and Windows XP
• MS-DOS, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows XP
This combination does not work:
• Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition
You should install Windows XP only after installing MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition. This will prevent these operating systems from overwriting the Windows XP boot sector and the Windows XP startup files.
Note: If you install the operating systems in the wrong order, you will need to use the Recovery Console or run Windows XP Setup again to get Windows XP back. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 307654.
To create a multiboot system with Windows XP and MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition:
1. Make sure that you have a separate partition or hard disk for each operating system you plan to install, and that each partition or hard disk is formatted with the correct file system.
2. Do one of the following:
o If you want a multiboot system with MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition along with Windows XP, first install MS-DOS; followed by Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition; and then install Windows XP.
o If you want a dual-boot system with only Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, install either Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition, and then install Windows XP.
3. Install each operating system according to the standard installation procedure.
To create a multiboot system with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP
Using a multiboot system with both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP is not recommended as a long-term solution. The NTFS update in Service Pack 5 (SP5) for Windows NT 4.0 is provided only to help you evaluate and upgrade to Windows XP.
To create a multiboot system with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP:
1. Make sure that your hard disk is formatted with the correct file system: either FAT32 or NTFS.
2. Install Windows NT 4.0, download Windows NT Service Pack 5 from Microsoft, and install the service pack. Then install Windows XP to a separate volume.
3. Install each operating system according to the standard installation procedure.
Note: If you intend to install more than one operating system consisting of some combination of Windows NT 4.0 with either Windows 2000 or Windows XP as the only installed operating systems, you must make sure that you have installed Service Pack 5 or higher for Windows NT 4.0. You can download the latest Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack here: Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a (
Windows XP automatically upgrades any NTFS partitions that it finds on your system to the version of NTFS that is used in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. However, Windows NT 4.0 requires Service Pack 5 to read and write files on a volume that is formatted with the version of NTFS used in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Installing programs on more than one operating system
If you have more than one operating system, and you want certain programs or drivers to work on both systems, you must install those items on each system separately. For example, if you want to use Microsoft Word on a computer with both Windows 98 and Windows XP installed, you have to install Microsoft Word two times (once on Windows 98 and once on Windows XP).
You can install the program to the same path for different operating systems, as long as the target location uses a file system both operating systems can read.
Note: Windows 95 or Windows 98 might reconfigure hardware settings the first time you use them, which might cause configuration problems when you start Windows XP.
Specifying the default operating system for startup
If you have more than one operating system on your computer, you can set the operating system that you want to use as the default when you start your computer:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
2. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
3. Under System startup, in the Default operating system list, click the operating system that you want to start when you turn on your computer.
4. Select the Display list of operating systems for check box, and then type the number of seconds for which you want the list displayed before the default operating system starts.
Warning: The boot options file (Boot.ini) controls the number and order of operating systems on your computer. To manually edit this file, click Edit on the Startup and Recovery tab. Use caution when modifying the boot options file. Doing so incorrectly might render your computer unusable. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 289022.
Troubleshooting problems with multiboot systems
These additional troubleshooting ideas might help you resolve your issue without having to call technical support:
Errors with Internet Explorer:
• When you start Microsoft Internet Explorer, the browser might quit and you might receive an error message that is similar to the following:
iexplore caused an Invalid Page Fault in module kernel32.dll
This error might occur if you install multiple operating systems on a single volume. To resolve this issue, install each operating system on a separate volume.
You cannot configure your computer to start both Windows 95 and Windows 98 (or Windows Millennium Edition)
• You cannot configure a computer to multiboot Windows 95 and Windows 98 (or Windows Millennium Edition) because those platforms use the same boot file. Therefore, multibooting Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition at the same time is not supported.
The boot menu does not appear upon startup
• When you start your computer, the boot menu does not appear and you are unable to start Windows XP. This problem might occur if you install Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition after you install Windows XP. To resolve this issue, repair or reinstall Windows XP.
For more information about multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP, see Multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP (
Also, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 205287.
Repair or recover a system
You can repair or recover your system in several different ways. Instructions for each method are below. Try the methods in this order:
1. Revert to the "Last Known Good" configuration.
2. Start the computer in Safe Mode and try to fix the problem.
3. Use the Windows XP Recovery Console.
4. Use System Restore.
5. Use Automated System Recovery (works for Windows XP Professional only, not Windows XP Home Edition).
To use the Last Known Good configuration:
If Windows XP will not start, you can restore your system to the Last Known Good configuration – in other words, your most recent settings that worked. Here's how:
1. Start the computer and then press the F8 key when Windows begins to start. The Windows Advanced Options menu appears.
2. Use the arrow keys to select Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked), and then press ENTER.
3. If a boot menu appears, use the arrow keys to select Microsoft Windows XP, and then press ENTER. Windows XP restores the computer to the most recent restore point.
To use the Windows XP Recovery Console:
The Windows XP Recovery Console allows you to:
• Use, copy, rename, or replace operating system files and folders.
• Enable or disable service or device startup when you next start your computer.
• Repair the file system boot sector or the Master Boot Record (MBR).
• Create and format partitions on drives.
Here's how to use the Recovery Console:
• Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.
• On the menu that appears, click Install Windows XP.
• Press R to repair the selected Windows installation.
When you use the Recovery Console, you will be prompted to enter the Administrator account password. If you enter an incorrect password three times, the Recovery Console will close. If the database that contains user account information for your computer is missing or damaged, you will not be able to use the Recovery Console.
After you enter your password and the Recovery Console starts, type exit to restart the computer. The Recovery Console has some other limitations. For details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 314058: Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console.
To use System Restore
The following section describes how to use the System Restore tool to return your computer to a previous working state. System Restore takes a "snapshot" of critical system files and some program files and stores this information as restore points. You can use these restore points to return Windows XP to a previous state.
To create a restore point
Creating a restore point is useful any time you anticipate making changes to your computer that are risky or that might make your computer unstable.
1. To access the System Restore Wizard, click Start, and then click Help and Support. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Using System Restore to undo changes, and then click Run the System Restore Wizard.
2. Click Create a restore point, and then click Next.
3. In the Restore point box, type a name to identify this restore point. System Restore automatically adds to this name the date and time that this restore point is created.
4. To finish creating this restore point, click Create.
Using System Restore to Restore Windows XP
If Windows XP will start, you can use System Restore to set your system back to an earlier, working point. Here's how:
1. Log on to Windows as Administrator.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.
3. On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.
4. On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system checkpoint in the On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next. A System Restore message might appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.
5. On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.
6. Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Restoration Complete page appears. Click OK.
To use Automated System Recovery:
We recommend that you regularly create backups as part of an overall plan for system recovery.
Note: Restoring from backup should be a last resort for system recovery. Use this method only after you have exhausted other options. For example, you should first try starting the computer in Safe Mode and reverting to the Last Known Good configuration. These steps are described earlier in this section.
Automated System Recovery (ASR) is a two-part system; it includes ASR backup and ASR restore. The ASR Wizard, located on the Start menu under Accessories\System Tools\Backup, does the backup portion. The wizard backs up the system state, system services, and all the disks that are associated with the operating system components. ASR also creates a file that contains information about the backup, the disk configurations (including basic and dynamic volumes), and how to perform a restore.
You can access the restore portion by pressing F2 when prompted in the text-mode portion of Setup. ASR reads the disk configurations from the file that it creates. It restores all the disk signatures, volumes, and partitions on the disks that you need to start the computer. ASR will try to restore all the disk configurations, but under some circumstances it might not be able to. ASR then installs a simple installation of Windows and automatically starts a restoration using the backup created by the ASR Wizard.
For more information about system recovery and repair, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
1. 818903: Automated System Recovery Overview in Windows XP
2. 322756: How to Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP
3. 306084: How to Restore the Operating System to a Previous State in Windows XP
4. 304449: How to Start the System Restore Tool from a Command Prompt in Windows XP
5. 302700: An Error Message Is Displayed When You Attempt to Use the Automated System Recovery Wizard in Windows XP Home Edition
Find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article
To find a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, go to Microsoft Help and Support (, type the article number in the Search the Knowledge Base box, and then press ENTER.
Additional resources
Visit these Web sites for updates or late-breaking information about Windows XP.
• General information: Microsoft Windows XP Web site (
• Product updates and fixes online: Microsoft Windows Update (
• Products compatible with Windows XP: Microsoft Windows Catalog (
• Articles about product support issues: Microsoft Knowledge Base (
• Information about using a Tablet PC: Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Web Site (
• SP2 information for consumers: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Web site for consumers (
• SP2 information for IT professionals: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Web site for information technology professionals (
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